Defending Elysium

Defending ElysiumBY BRANDON SANDERSON The woman thrashed and spasmed in the hospital bed. Her dark hair was matted to her head with sweat, and her uncontrolled motions seemed almost epileptic. Her eyes, however, did not have the wildness of the insane—instead they were focused. Determined. She was not mad; she just couldn’t control her muscles.…

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Assistant Peter Recommends: The Burning White by Brent Weeks

Assistant Peter Recommends: The Burning White by Brent Weeks Hello again. Brandon’s assistant Peter here with another recommendation. It’s been a long time since the last one, whew! Today the fifth and final book in the Lightbringer series by Brent Weeks, The Burning White was released. If you’ve read the previous books, the most important thing here…

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Tips & hints for applying to Brandon’s BYU class

Tips & hints for applying to Brandon’s BYU class Brandon’s assistant Karen here. Brandon has asked me to judge the applications for his English 318r class and choose the 15 writers who will be in his small group workshops. This year I will only be considering the first 65 applications I receive. Based on the…

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FAQ Friday – Is my story too derivative?

FAQ Friday – Is my story too derivative? I, not so recently, got an email asking me the following question. I hope my response will be useful to my fellow writers. You can read my last FAQ Friday post here. Question: I’m absolutely in love with the world I’ve created and have spent years in its…

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Mistborn Paperbacks 2019

Mistborn Paperbacks 2019 Brandon’s art director Isaac here. The Mistborn series book covers have had a colorful history of different illustrations: the beautiful originals by Jon Foster, Chris McGrath’s iconic renditions that we can probably thank for some of the paperbacks’ success over the years, and of course let’s not forget Sam Weber’s fantastic covers…

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FAQ Friday – Alternatives to flashback scenes

FAQ Friday – Alternatives to flashback scenes A few weeks ago, a Redditor reached out to me in a direct message to ask a question. I hope my response will be useful to my fellow writers. You can read my last FAQ Friday post here. Question: My commute to work has given me the opportunity…

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FAQ Friday – Unsatisfied with Your Writing?

FAQ Friday – Unsatisfied with Your Writing? As I’m sure you can imagine, I get queried quite frequently about writing advice. Occasionally, when responding to these emailed requests, I see an opportunity to respond to the writing community at large. So, while my answer is written in direct response to the sender, I hope it…

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