Warbreaker Introduction

Warbreaker Introduction Welcome! My name is Brandon Sanderson. Before anything else, I’d like to thank you for your interest in my books. I hope you enjoy Warbreaker. In case you don’t know, I’m a professional fantasy novelist. My first book, Elantris, was published in some thirteen languages, earned me a Campbell nomination, and got starred reviews in…

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Annotation Alcatraz Chapter Twenty

Annotation Alcatraz Chapter Twenty All right. It’s true. I lied to you. I really am going to get to that scene with the altar. I promise. It’s not a gimmick. Or, uh, it’s not just a gimmick. You’ll find out more in book two, but let’s just say that an Oculator’s blood mixed with glass…

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Annotation Alcatraz Chapter Nineteen

Annotation Alcatraz Chapter Nineteen What do mockingbirds have to do with that, anyway? To make it clear, I actually like To Kill a Mockingbird. However, it was one of the books that people gave me when I was younger that was wrong for me at the time. It’s good to read classics, and it’s good…

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Annotation Alcatraz Chapter Eighteen

Annotation Alcatraz Chapter Eighteen The ending of a book is both the best and the worst part to read. This is very true. I loathe and love endings. I remember still that some of the most sweet experiences in reading happened when I was in high school, and was nearing the end of one of…

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Annotation Alcatraz Chapter Seventeen

Annotation Alcatraz Chapter Seventeen I didn’t take the opportunity to point out anything at the beginning of this chapter. This editorial–the one I put in the middle of the chapter, rather than at the beginning–was one of those inspired directly by readers. A lot of the fan mail I get mentions that a reader was…

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Annotation Alcatraz Chapter Sixteen

Annotation Alcatraz Chapter Sixteen Obscure References Chapter Sixteen is the chapter for random obscure references and jokes. Perhaps I did this unconsciously, rather than having more full-blown asides (though my editor did cut one about soy sauce and ninjas from the next chapter–I’m serious) because I wanted things to move quickly. Anyway, here’s a list…

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Annotation Alcatraz Chapter Fifteen

Annotation Alcatraz Chapter Fifteen Moron. Heh. I was working on this chapter, and I wondered, “Could I be lucky enough to discover that there’s a city out there named Moron?” And indeed there were a lot of them that I found. Most were in South America, however, and had an accent on the o. Same…

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Annotation Alcatraz Chapter Fourteen

Annotation Alcatraz Chapter Fourteen And here the action picks up again. I love me a good action scene. There’s something very fun about constructing action on the page. Partially, I think, because it’s tough to do. In a movie, you can make the visuals happen the way you want to. However, in a book, you…

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Annotation Alcatraz Chapter Thirteen

Annotation Alcatraz Chapter Thirteen And I spent fourteen years in prison, where I obtained the learning of a gentleman and discovered the location of a buried treasure. Yes, that’s a Count of Monte Cristo joke in the introduction here. No, things didn’t pass that quickly in that book, but the years did fly by. (If…

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