Annotation Elantris Chapter 33

Annotation Elantris Chapter 33 Chapter Thirty-Three (No Hidden Spoilers) Another short, but powerful, Hrathen chapter. This is the head of Hrathen’s character climax for the first half of the book. He has been questioning his own faith ever since he first met Dilaf. It isn’t that he questions the truthfulness of the Derethi religion–he just…

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Annotation Elantris Chapter 31

Annotation Elantris Chapter 31 Chapter Thirty-One: Raoden failed in finding ways to defeat Shaor’s gang on two separate occasions. First, there was the original infiltration with Galladon (in which Raoden hoped to convince Shaor to stop attacking.) This excursion was informative, but not successful. The second failure was in dealing with the wild men who…

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Annotation Elantris Chapter 30

Annotation Elantris Chapter 30 Chapter Thirty (No Hidden Spoilers. Sorry!) And, we finally get to figure out what is going on. As I said, this is one of my favorite triads because of the way it manages to string a cliff-hanger across three separate chapters. I’ve spoken often of how difficult it was, at times,…

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Annotation Elantris Chapter 29

Annotation Elantris Chapter 29 Chapter twenty-nine So, here we get the payoff for several hundred pages worth of hinting at Iadon’s insecuirty and paranoia. Plotting is all about payoffs, in my estimation. You have to earn your plot. You do that by putting the pieces together in the right places, so when you finally get…

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Annotation Elantris Chapter 28

Annotation Elantris Chapter 28 Chapter Twenty-Eight I’ve actually been called a ‘square peg’ before. I believe the line was “You’re one of those creative types–you’re a square peg, trying to fit into a round hole.” I was twenty-two, and was getting let go from one of my first jobs. That’s another story, though. Just note–apperantly,…

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Annotation Elantris Part One Wrap-Up

Annotation Elantris Part One Wrap-Up “The Shadow of Elantris.” These section headings were added in the last real draft I did, while I was visiting my father in Massachusetts during the summer of ’04. By then, the book’s title had firmly been changed from THE SPIRIT OF ELANTRIS to just ELANTRIS. I knew I needed…

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Annotation Elantris Chapter 27

Annotation Elantris Chapter 27 Chapter Twenty Seven: (No Hidden Spoilers) One of the shortest, but most powerful, chapters in the book. I added the ‘head arteth’ conflict (the idea of everyone rejecting the appointment) later in the revision process so that I could have one more thing to push Hrathen over the edge. My only…

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Annotation Elantris Chapter 26

Annotation Elantris Chapter 26 Chapter twenty-six (No Hidden Spoilers) This book, as I’ve mentioned before, is a little less ‘tight’ than others I’ve written. There are chapters like this one, where nothing extremely important happens–I simply show life from one viewpoint, a state necessitated by one of the other two doing something very important. Still,…

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