Annotation Warbreaker Chapter Thirty

Annotation Warbreaker Chapter Thirty Lightsong Tries Pottery It’s been a while since one of the gods tried something like this. Lightsong isn’t the first, of course, to wonder at his old life and realize that some of his skills and abilities came with him to his new one. But he’s the first of this generation…

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Annotation Warbreaker Chapter Twenty-Seven

Annotation Warbreaker Chapter Twenty-Seven Bluefingers Avoids Siri, So She Goes to Find Lightsong I considered having the men performing the athletics competitions in the court be naked. After all, there’s been so much female nudity in the book so far that it would only be fair to balance it out. . . . I decided…

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Annotation Warbreaker Chapter Twenty-Five

Annotation Warbreaker Chapter Twenty-Five Vivenna and the Mercenaries Attack the Salt Merchant’s Shop A very quick and efficient way to hurt the future Hallandren war. Denth doesn’t mention that there are ways of preserving meat (drying and smoking) that don’t require salt—but even in most jerky methods, one uses a brine solution, so his argument…

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Annotation Warbreaker Chapter Twenty-Four

Annotation Warbreaker Chapter Twenty-Four Siri Visits the Palace Library The Priests here think that Siri is making a play for power, asserting her will in the palace. They wouldn’t have stopped her from reading in the library, if she’d wanted to. Treledees just wants to enforce his will over her and show that she can’t…

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Annotation Warbreaker Chapter Twenty-Three

Annotation Warbreaker Chapter Twenty-Three Lightsong Visits Blushweaver While She’s Enjoying a Gardener’s Art One of the things I wanted to do with this book was come up with different kinds of art that the gods could enjoy—things that we wouldn’t normally look at as traditional “art” but which in this world have been developed to…

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