Wax & Wayne Update + Stormlight Question for UK Readers

Brandon here with your Weekly Update.
I have been working hard on the new Wax and Wayne novel, prewriting. But I would say, it’s kind of a rough count, that I’m about 40% done with that. We don’t actually have a progress bar for this because it’s going to be done by next week sometime. But about 40% of the way through. I should, theoretically, next week’s update be like, “Done!” But you can see then where we get. It’s going real well. I’ve been sending out lots of emails to my team, saying, “Hey, what about this? What about this?” And they are giving me responses and kind of first looks at my plotting and how it’s going.
We have a couple of cool things. In the comments last week and weeks before we had a lot of questions about the Dawnshard audiobook. Where is that? I can’t tell you when, but it should be coming out sometime this summer. We’re looking just which publishers to put it with and things like that. We actually already recorded the audio. We had Michael and Kate do that. And so I think it’s both of them, him doing Lopen and her doing Rysn. But regardless, we have that audio. We’re ready. It’s just going to take us a little bit because we want to find the right distribution place. But it’s coming.
We also, I wanted to mention, because we did the whole thing a couple weeks back where I mentioned, “Hey, do you guys want a hardcover of Mistborn: Secret History?” And you’re all like, “Yeah, we do!” We went and looked and the eBook was not for sale in the US. Turns out Amazon had had a hiccup. We had to go poke them and be like, “Why can’t people buy this?” So you can now again. Like I’ve said many times before, it is part of Arcanum Unbounded. It’s like, you can buy Arcanum Unbounded for $8, or whatever. I don’t know the actual price. Or you can buy Secret History by itself for $4 or something.
But it is now available as a standalone, and we’ll be getting to work on a print edition.
And speaking of print editions. This is for those of you in the UK. The UK did a nice little kind of hardcover, smaller-sized hardcover of The Final Empire a few years back, and people really liked that. They’ve done some of these for Pratchett’s works and things at the publisher. They want to do one for Stormlight, the first four books of Stormlight, eventually with the fifth one, just in this small size. They aren’t exactly sure what the dimensions is, but it will be hardcover without a jacket flap, just kind of in this almost pocket hardcover size. They sent us two styles of cover. And we’re actually going to put those on the screen for you. One has a watermark. One doesn’t. And we want you to tell us which one to do, and we will tell the publisher.
So vote for your favorite. Do you like the one with the watermark? This won’t replace the standard UK editions. You can still get those if you like that cover scheme. But it’s just trying something new. They did this with the Wheel of Time books, and like I said, they did it with Final Empire. Something just a little more iconographic rather than illustrative. Let us know in the comments which you prefer. We will add those all up, and next week I will tell you what you guys voted on.
Thank you much. I will be back next week with another update.