Annotation Mistborn 3 Chapter Fifty-Three

Beldre is a Normal Person
The point Spook makes about Beldre being normal is an important one in this book. I think that readers might be overly harsh on her for her innocence and the way she ended up getting captured. (Though there is more going on there than the reader knows.) I like how she doesn’t notice when someone is walking up to her, which is seen as odd by Spook at first. People in this world, particularly our protagonists, don’t get surprised from behind. They are people of extreme senses and training.
Beldre is a regular person. I think a lot of us would have acted like she did in this book. Confronted by someone like Spook, perhaps we would have taken a chance on believing in him. And perhaps we’d have been captured.
Either way, I doubt any of us would notice if an Allomancer walked up behind us.
Spook Asks Kelsier for Help Talking to Beldre
“Kelsier” can’t help Spook with relationship advice, which is telling. Ruin doesn’t understand relationships at all. It’s one of his main weaknesses.
In creating Ruin as a villain, I wanted to shy away from making a force that was purely evil. I don’t believe that Ruin is evil, personally. I believe that he’s actually justified in what he’s trying to do.
That doesn’t mean the characters should just sit back and let him destroy the world. However, he is a force given sentience—or, rather, sentience that has attached itself to a force. Regardless, that force drives him and dominates him. And destruction is a natural part of life.
The Romance Starts to Work
Anyway, this is the part I told you about earlier—the place where the Spook romance starts to work. For there to be real romance, I believe there has to be interaction. I’ve never been a fan of the “love at first sight” types of romances in books, though I do have to admit that such things afflict teenagers regularly. My goal here, then, is to show Spook moving a little bit beyond the infatuation stage and into the stage of knowing and caring for someone.
The book doesn’t take their relationship very far, and that is intentional. There just isn’t the time.
The Two Sides of Spook
The best part of this chapter, in my opinion, is how we get to see both sides of Spook. We get to see a glimpse of the bumbling, but good-hearted, teenager in his conversation with Beldre. And we get to see the budding figure of myth in the way he deals with the people at the bars. We get to see sincere and intimate Spook, and we get to see insincere megalomaniac Spook—or, at least, hints of both.
At this point, Ruin is well on his way to corrupting the poor boy.