Annotation Mistborn 3 Chapter Forty-Six

Sazed Agrees to Put On the Metalminds
Sazed was getting close to putting on those metalminds again even without Spook’s interference and demands. You can tell by the way he fixated on them recently, and how—despite his determination not to wear them—he ended up getting them out and polishing them. He’s been waiting for an excuse to use them.
That said, I like the depth of Sazed’s conflict presented in this chapter. He’s come a long way from the first draft of the book, where he simply sat around as a depressed lump. (I’m probably exaggerating his weakness in that draft, but I’m pleased enough with this draft that it feels like it’s leaps and bounds ahead of the old one.)
Spook Visits Beldre in the Garden Again
Spook’s romance with Beldre is one of the things I’m not sure about in this book. I tried to give it as much time as I could, and you’ll see some later scenes that fill it out some more. It isn’t really love at this point, but just Spook being a teenage boy who is attracted to a pretty girl. However, a lot of romances start that way. Keep in mind that Beldre sees Spook very differently from the reader. She sees a mysterious figure, a handsome young man who comes in the mists and the darkness, bearing with him the weight of rumor and legend. She sees a man who rescued a child from a burning building, a man who stands up to her brother when nobody else does.
She’s definitely attracted to him, for many of the same reasons that Vin was attracted to Zane in book two.