Annotation The Alloy of Law Chapter Eight

Here is the first batch of annotations for The Alloy of Law. As with all of the other annotations here on the site, each annotation contains spoilers for the current chapter. Spoilers for chapters after the current one are hidden by spoiler tags. We recommend you read the book before reading the annotations! Also, please note that there are not yet annotations for the prologue or first chapter.
Wayne imitates a constable
Writing this Wayne chapter was a pure delight. It was here that I was finally certain that I had his character down, following the misstarts before changing to this version of the story. Here is also where I made the decision that I’d chosen right in expanding the short story to a novel. For me, a single viewpoint character often isn’t enough to carry a novel. (Unless I’m doing a first-person narrative.)
Wayne, as a character, really grew into himself here. It is interesting to me how quickly he came together as I started working on this book. That first false start was awful—yet, once I started writing about him as a counterpoint to Wax, he just popped out fully formed, Athena-like, brimming with personality and strength.
I do worry that he’ll overshadow Wax a bit—which is one reason why it’s good to wait until chapter eight to give him a viewpoint. However, I think it is a matter of appeal. The two of them will appeal to different readers. I really like how the two play off one another and have different strengths.
By the way, I realize the cover has a problem with Wayne holding a gun. It wasn’t worth complaining about, as I felt that there needed to be a gun on the cover to indicate the shift in the Mistborn setting. However, Wax’s hands are both down low, so the gun really does need to be in Wayne’s hand. Just pretend he’s holding it for Wax.
Wayne’s adoption of personalities
One thing that I wanted to be aware of when writing Wayne was how he saw himself during these excursions where he becomes someone else. My first instinct was to blend the personality completely, until he was thinking of himself directly as the person he was imitating.
That felt like it went too far. For one thing, it was confusing to have the narrative not refer to him as “Wayne” but as the persona. For another, I didn’t want Wayne to go that far—in my mind, he always has control of these things. He’s not losing himself in his part; he’s always aware of who he really is and what he’s doing.
So, in a way, he’s a method actor. He reinforces who he is in his head, occasionally giving himself thoughts as the persona to remind himself to stay in character. He lets himself feel the emotions they do, and adopt their mannerisms. But it’s a coat he can take off or put back on. It’s not a psychosis. That was an important distinction for me to make as a writer.
He does, however, become more and more comfortable as he plays a role. One example of this is how Wayne still thinks of constables as being lazy partway through this, though he slowly loses his prejudice as he plays the role longer, shifting to thinking of them as “constables” instead of “conners” in the later part of the chapter.