Annotation Warbreaker Chapter Nineteen

Clod Arrives with Jewels
Early on in the development process, I knew that I wanted to have a Lifeless as a side character. They’re such an interesting part of the world—in fact, they’re a big part of the foundation of the setting, or at least what made me want to write it.
That meant having a Lifeless on Denth’s team, and Clod as a character fit into place quite easily. I had worried about how to make Jewels distinctive in the team, after having Denth and Tonk Fah establish themselves for some twenty chapters before Jewels even makes an appearance. Working with that, I realized that by making her the Lifeless handler, I could add something unique to her—and to the team.
Denth knew that Vivenna wouldn’t react well to there being a Lifeless on the team. That’s part of why he kept Jewels away for so long. (In fact, when Jewels says, “Who’s that woman?” in regards to Vivenna, it should have been slightly suspicious to you. She knew they had a new employer, and she should have made the connection. Indeed, she did. Denth had specifically ordered her to stay away until this moment, as he didn’t want to scare Vivenna off.)
Denth Tells Vivenna to Use Her Breaths
Don’t forget that Vivenna has a huge wealth of Breath. To most people, anything over one or two Breaths is a huge wealth—and Vivenna has enough to reach the Third Heightening. She’s fully capable of Awakening objects, and while she’s not as powerful as Vasher in Breath right now, she could learn quite quickly. (The more Breath you hold, the easier it is for you to learn how to use it.)