Assistants Adam and Isaac recommend Blood of Empire by Brian McClellan (Out today, December 3)

Brian McClellan’s final book in the Gods of Blood and Powder series releases today—Blood of Empire. Not only does this book complete this latest trilogy, it also completes the second trilogy set in his Powder Mage world.
Fresh off the action from the Powder Mage trilogy, Brian jumps across the ocean to a new-world sort of continent—Fatrasta—where a young colonial-America type nation has taken root. But there are problems. An ancient civilization rises up to challenge the nation’s newfound independence.
Enter Ben Styke, a hero of the revolution. Everyone thought he was dead, but he’d been in a labor camp for years. Now he’s back, and what follows is some of Brian’s best writing and best characters. Not to mention the God Stones—this is the stuff I read fantasy for. Wrath of Empire continued Ben’s story (among other terrific characters), and now we’re on to the finale with Blood of Empire.
Beta-Reader Mark had a chance to read the new book early. This is what he says about the final volume.
“McClellan continues to improve with every book he writes, and this time there are bigger battles and higher stakes than ever to go with the great writing. It was an emotionally satisfying conclusion, both for the many plot threads raised in this trilogy, and the awesome characters we’ve come to know and love (or hate). There’s lots of foreshadowing that gets paid off here too, done in ways that I loved as a fan of Brandon’s books. 5 of 5 stars, and if you like McClellan’s other books, get this one now! And if you haven’t read them, there are now two completed trilogies out, so you can binge them all at once.”
McClellan’s Powder Mage books are among the first books we recommend to readers who enjoy Brandon’s writing and Blood of Empire is the perfect example as to why.