Defiant Revisions Completed + Weekly Update

Hey, Brandon here. Sorry about the canceled livestream last week. We had several
members of my household get COVID, so I decided to cancel the livestream and some other things, such as recording my Weekly Update last week, and I’m doing it on Monday instead. I have tested negative for COVID, so I shouldn’t be getting my wonderful staff infected here. But with an abundance of caution, I canceled last week, which means that we have to reschedule our livestream with Howard Lyon, the wonderful illustrator who worked on Secret Project 1, Tress of the Emerald Sea. We’re going to find another time, hopefully, this month sometime, to have Howard on. So I’ll keep you up to date. It’s probably not going to be this week but maybe next week. We’ll see.
Book update. I have, Bing! Gotten to 100% on Defiant, the last book of the Skyward series. This is my third draft and probably my final draft. Turning this one into my editor. It’s already been sent. Krista at Random House, Penguin Random House. And Peter is looking over it. And I am very pleased with it. So that means as of today I’m back at work at Stormlight 5. And so I plan to keep working on this through the end of the year. I do want to sneak in one more revision on Secret Project 4 because there are some things I want to tweak about that. But otherwise looks like smooth sailing and a clear schedule for me working on Stormlight 5.
Just a couple of little other things out here. If you didn’t know, Tress, Secret Project 1, is out. We’ve talked about that several times. But the publisher here in the U.S. doing the commercial edition, which will be a less expensive hardcover, followed eventually by a mass-market paperback, they said that they are going to have their edition in stores April 4th. So you can preorder that now. They have released their cover. That announcement came out a little while ago. So if you’re waiting until there’s a more economical version of it available, well, you can do that. It is coming. You could also go pick up the eBook or the audiobook right now, which we have tried to price very economically. For those still waiting for their print copies, one of the reasons that we pushed, and made sure that the book wasn’t coming out commercially until April, was so that we could get everyone their copies who backed the Kickstarter. We did get a second shipment last week. We’ve got about one-fourth of those books shipped out. We are waiting for the third shipment, and we’re not exactly sure when it’s going to come. But we’ve been working on the March box to make sure that that one won’t be delayed. And it shouldn’t be. It should go out the first week of March. Still, you know, dealing with supply chain stuff in the
publishing industry. It’s been quite an experience for all of us. And so even with the commercially published books. But things are moving along, so hopefully, everyone will have their books before too much longer. I’ll be back next week, theoretically not in my gym clothes at that time, but we’ll see. Thank you, guys, as always, for stopping by and seeing what’s going on.