Mistborn Deleted Scenes Explanation


On this page, I’ll include an archive of links to Mistborn: The Final Empire deleted scenes, as I post them to my website. I’ve decided that the easiest way to do this is to point back at the original blog post where I show off the scenes and discuss them. I’ll leave the explanations to the posts themselves.

Prologue Revisions: In the following series of deleted scenes, I show the evolution of the prologue to the book. It went through a number of drafts before ending at its final state. I suggest grabbing the book so that you can read the fourth version (which is the one that got published) as you read through the evolution of the scenes below. This contains slight spoilers, but not really that many, since it’s dealing with the first scene of the book.

Vin’s Introduction Original Chapter: Here, I post my first attempt at writing from Vin’s viewpoint in this book. It didn’t turn out all that well.

Vin and Camon get ready to meet the obligator. A comparison between the second and final versions of the beginning of this scene.

Kelsier explains the heist plan to the crew. In the first version of this scene, Kelsier hires Yeden instead of the other way around.

Yeden at the soup kitchen. Originally, Yeden recruited troops instead of Kelsier doing it.

Mistborn Prime and Final Empire Prime Chapters: Before I wrote Mistborn: The Final Empire I wrote a rough draft of a book I simply called Mistborn. After that, I wrote a book I called The Final Empire. These were books set in separate worlds, completely unconnected. When it came time to do a follow-up to Elantris, I looked back at these two books and remembered how fond I was of elements of both of them. I decided to combine them, starting from scratch, and using the best elements of both to create a new book. That became Mistborn: The Final Empire.

I’ve put up some of the chapters from the original books to be read and enjoyed. They’re old, they’re rough, and they have a lot of flaws. But, for the person interested in how my writing process works, they might be interesting.

Mistborn Prime:

Final Empire Prime:
Chapter One
Chapter Two

Mistborn Deleted Scenes Explanation


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Mistborn Deleted Scenes Explanation


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