Secret Project #1 Out Tomorrow! + Weekly Update

Hey, everybody! So, Weekly Update time.
First things first. There was a lot of snow, and we still haven’t seen our print copies of Secret Project 1. So we have made an executive decision. We’re going to start shipping out February’s box right now. As soon as we get copies of Secret Project 1, the print ones, we’re going to start sending those out. But you guys have been waiting long enough. So we are going to send out February’s box early. This might mean that some of you will get this box, in fact, probably a lot of you will get this box, before you get your print copies of the first book. But we figure you would like to get a box, and we would like to be sending it out. So this is for the people who did the Year of Sanderson so that you can still get something in January. So we’re going to start doing that. As soon as they come in, we will stop and start shipping those. But we’re tired of waiting on someone else.
What’s the delay? The delay is, I’m told, twofold. Number one, foiling the covers is just taking longer than they thought. We do—all the material is at the printers. They are printing them. They promised they would be sending shipments of books, but then they have not done so yet. This is not uncommon in the printing world. They are actually doing a very good job putting up with us. We asked them for 25,000 books and then we later said we needed 150,000 of each of the four. So we ordered 100,000 and then upped our order to 600,000 and they have found time for us. So we are very grateful for them. But it is taking a little bit longer, supply chain things and stuff like that.
But the box, the Hoid box, February’s box, is all done, packed, and ready to go. We’re going to start shipping that to you. So be aware of that. You’re getting your February box early. I’m sorry for all the rest of you who have to wait. But you should have gotten your eBook and your audiobook already. If you haven’t, please pick them up, or think about doing it. And maybe you’re waiting for the print copy because you love print copies.
For everyone who wasn’t part of the Kickstarter, well, you should watch the channel this week because we are going to have a launch video on the 10th for Secret Project 1. That’s when we will start talking about the title of it. So warnings for you. We will, starting on the 10th it will go wide, and we’ll start using the actual title for the book in updates and things on this channel. We will not use the titles for the next books. So that’s coming.
We have a really cool video on Wednesday. Is it Wednesday, Taylor? It’s Tuesday. Oh, tomorrow! We have a very cool video for you tomorrow. Please stop back and watch this video. We put a lot of work into it. We’re very happy with it. So Secret Project 1 is out for backers and is coming out for everyone else tomorrow.
So book update. I got through what my goal was, word count-wise, last month. I did another 30,000 words. I’m feeling very good about it. The issue is, I still have a few flashbacks to write. So far, it’s gone a little long. Big surprise for me. This is Stormlight 5. I do need to stop very soon and do revisions on Defiant. So I’ll be jumping into that very soon. So this will be the last time I have to delay, theoretically, but I’m going to be jumping out and doing revisions. The book’s sitting at 120,000 words, whatever that equates to in our percentages. It’s kind of hard to judge on these ones. But over, you know, 27%-ish, if we assume a 400,000-word book. Wait, no. Let’s see. 100,000 words would be 25%. Yeah, 27%-ish, between 27% and 28%. So if we assume 400,000 words but it’s not going to be 400,000 words. It’s going to be much longer. So around a quarter of the book is still finished, and looking really good. I’m very pleased with it.
And otherwise, watch for exciting events coming around Secret Project 1. We have very cool launch videos. We also will be doing things like a book club read on this channel. We’ll be doing some behind-the-scenes videos about the making of the book. I’ve got a lore video where I’m going to talk about the inspirations for worldbuilding and some of the real-world physics that inspired me to write this book. All of that’s coming up on this channel in the next few weeks. So keep an eye out for it, and I’ll be back next week with another update.
Hey, everyone. Brandon here from the future of the video that I’m interrupting but still your past. I wanted to talk a little bit more about the launch of the print version of Secret Project 1, and, you know, how you can get it from us. So we are going to be putting up on Tuesday, which is tomorrow, a preorder for this book. Why is it a preorder? Well, we need to fulfill the print versions for all the backers before we can send them to you. Just to reiterate, live tomorrow at noon my time. You’ll be able to preorder your print copies of Secret Project 1 in the special edition by Dragonsteel with the full art pictures inside, and that will be $55. And we will deliver those to you as soon as we get through delivering them to everyone else who backed the book.