State of the Sanderson is Live! + Weekly Update

Hello. Brandon here with your Weekly Update. So first of all, the State of the Sanderson is out today! What is the State of the Sanderson? Well, every year around my birthday, which also coincides with Koloss Head Munching Day in the Mistborn world, we release something I call the State of the Sanderson, which is just a look back at everything I did this year and everything I’ve got coming up for the next year. And so it’s one of the biggest posts of the year that we do, and we leave it up all year. So go have a look at it to keep track of everything Sanderson.
If you want a more granular look at what I’m doing, I am working my way through the fourth Skyward book, Defiant, and around today I will probably hit, bing! Around 80%. I hit 75% on the Thursday I’m recording this, and I’ve got two days to go until you see this. So I will hit 80% sometime Monday probably.
What else have we got going on? Well, Evershore, speaking of Defiant and the Skyward universe, Evershore is out next week. This is the third of the novellas I did with Janci, and it is the strongest of the three, I feel. I think you guys will really like it. So if you haven’t been reading those, go check them out. They’re in eBook and audio right now, a collection to follow in print sometime next year.
This week we’re going to try something cool. We are going to livestream me and Matt Hatch from The Dusty Wheel, a Wheel of Time YouTube channel. We’re going to watch the last episode of The Wheel of Time show and kind of talk about it live. So you can join us at 7 o’clock my time, which is here in Mountain Standard Time. You can watch us as we respond to it. You can do a watch along. We’re not going to be showing the show. We’re just going to be showing our reactions, and theoretically you turn on the show and watch it as we’re going. At least that’s how I think it’s going to work out. We’ll figure out the bugs. But that’s this Thursday.
And the last thing I want to warn you about is, this is the last week that my team is going to be shipping things out from our store. So the week between Christmas and New Year’s, they are all taking a much-deserved vacation. And so if you want to order something and get it shipped, it may not arrive for the holidays this week. We’re getting pretty tight. But if you want to get something in the mail, make sure that you order it this week.
Otherwise, I hope you all have a happy holidays. Hope you had a wonderful Koloss Head Munching Day yesterday. And I will be back next week with another update.