Full Transcript
Hey, everybody! Brandon here with your Weekly Update.
Stormlight let's get to the percentage bars. Ghostbloods prewriting is at, Bing! 65%. Slowing down just a little bit on that. That'll continue next week because next week I think I'm going to dive back in to Moment Zero, and then I also have some finals to read from last year's class. I tell them it'll take me about a year to get through all of their final submissions. And a year will be April, and I still have a number of them to do. So I'm going to take some time to get on that. And then there's some Hollywood stuff that I need to do. Nothing super exciting, but maybe it will someday be something super exciting. So don't expect a ton of motion this next week.
In the same vein, as a reminder, Janci's still working on revisions for Blightfall, so Ghostbloods is our only percentage bar for this week, though I'm hoping I'll come to you with Moment Zero having been finished completely in the last revision next week.
Writing Lecture #3 is live on the channel. This is our second week on plot. I do three weeks on each of the major topics. This week I'm going to be recording with the students the Q&A on plot. And so next week you'll be able to see that. This week you'll be able to see Part 2 of Plot.
You can take in these lectures in three different ways. We have YouTube videos, obviously. We also have the blog where Tayan is taking her lecture notes. It's like Tayan is taking the class and sharing her notes with you. We've also started a new podcast just to host the lectures, so you can find them in audio form if you want to. So anywhere podcasts are hosted, you can just go grab that and listen to me blab about how to write science fiction and fantasy books.
That's all we've got for you this week. But hey, thank you so much, and I'll be back next week with another Weekly Update.