Tress Nears the Finish Line + Weekly Update

Hey! Weekly Update time. Starting off with Stormlight Archive, we are, Bing! 37%. Inching along just a little bit each week as I’m writing myself into this next big sequence. It’s looking pretty good, but we’ll see.
Skyward Legacy, Bing! Still at 12%. We had Janci doing some other stuff for us. She helped out on a few other projects that you’ll know about eventually, little things that we’re doing for various events we have coming that are going to be very fun. But she should be getting back to that sometime soon.
Now, a giant Kickstarter/Secret Project update. I finally get to tell you that we have all of the copies of Secret Project 1 in hand. And indeed, Fulfillment tells me that they should all either be out today or within the next 24 hours. That means if you backed the Kickstarter and you haven’t gotten yours within about a day, go check on the Kickstarter update page and make sure. They’ll post an update when everything has gone out. And if you haven’t gotten yours for some reason, then something must be up with your email or your address or something like that. So check your information on BackerKit. But like I said, they should all be out either now or within the next 24 hours. So give us about a day and then you should be getting them.
From there, the Fulfillment Team says they’re going to go straight into those who pre-ordered Tress from our store. So if you want to get one of these beautiful hardcovers—we still have copies and they will be shipping this week. So this would be a good time to go to the link in the description to pick up your copy.
But if the premium hardcover isn’t your thing—it is a little more expensive—TOR has the commercial hardcover out in stores or on your favorite online retailers, and you can get that edition. It is the same text, just with a little bit different art treatment and without the full color art and things like that that ours have. So you can decide if you want the premium or the regular. It’s still available on all the ebook and audiobook sites. So that is Secret Project 1.
We are going to start packing the May box immediately, as soon as we have all of Secret Project 1 out, we’re going to start packing those boxes for May. And we should start shipping those out before too much longer. I think you guys are going to like this one. It’s got something that when I first pitched the whole idea of the Year of Sanderson, I said, “And I want to do this. I want to do this piece of cool swag.” And the design team did a fantastic job taking my vision and making it a reality. It turned out even better than I imagined it. So there’s something really cool in that one for you.
That is the giant Kickstarter/Secret Project update. Thank you all for your patience. I know this was a bit of a delay. We are doing everything we can to make sure this doesn’t happen for the future books. But we should have all of those out to you very soon for at least the first one.