What to read while you wait for Arcanum Unbounded!

Hey, all! I’ve been working very hard on Stormlight Three, trying to get it done before I go on tour for Arcanum Unbounded (which comes out next week, hint hint). The tour actually happens a few weeks later. See the (unfortunately short) list of cities here.

However, if you’re looking for something to read now, rather than waiting all the way until next week, might I give you a suggestion? Dan, my podcasting buddy and longtime friend, has just released what might just be the best book of his career.

He’d probably be the first to admit that Extreme Makeover is a very strange book. On one hand, it’s a satire of the corporate world. On the other hand, it’s a doomsday party which counts down to the very end of the world. It’s funny, but not in a stand-up comedy way. More in a “I can’t believe he’s going there” kind of way.

Like most of Dan’s books, it has sf elements, but plays to a wide audience–as long as they’re willing to accept a strange premise (in this case, a health and beauty company that develops cloning technology). Reviewers are comparing it to Vonnegut, and I’d agree with that assessment.

Before becoming a full-time novelist, Dan worked for a health and beauty company in their writing department. He was exposed to a lot of the insanity that happens in such places, and is fully capable of skewering it–but the book is far deeper than that. It’s the most fun you can probably have reading about the end of the world.

So if you’re looking for something strange, thoughtful, and mixed with a shade of gallows humor, give the book a try.


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