Helping Ben Wolverton

Many of you know that a certain author, Dave Wolverton (who also writes as David Farland), was an important mentor to me early in my career. Well, Dave has run into some difficult times recently, as his son Ben had a longboarding accident and is now in a coma. Dave, like many artists and authors in our country, doesn’t have health insurance. The burden of this debt could crush him.

Some friends and family of his have organized a few campaigns to help out. Since many people who read this blog know Dave or have been influenced by him, I thought you might like to know about these. The primary link of note is to where one can donate to Ben’s medical fund.

Also, if you’re interested in YA paranormal novels, you might want to check out Dave’s book Nightingale. I’ve read it, and I quite enjoyed it. It’s about a young man who discovers he’s a changeling, and it takes place in southern Utah in some fun, familiar locations. Here’s where you can buy it.

Either way, if you are the religious sort, Ben and his family could use your prayers.


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