Alcatraz 3 Blogs

Alcatraz 3 Blogs

Alcatraz in the UK & Updates

Alcatraz in the UK & Updates ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE SHATTERED LENS has now been released in the UK (and presumably also in Australia and New Zealand). That means all four books are now out, and since they all came out this year, it should be relatively easy to find them on shelves and in ebook…

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June is Audiobook Month

June is Audiobook Month Readers have been asking if my forthcoming novellas LEGION and THE EMPEROR’S SOUL will be released in audio versions. The answer is that they will be—we have deals made for these, but I’m not sure how quickly the audiobooks will be released compared to the book versions. I’ll let you know when I have more…

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Updates + ALCATRAZ ebooks in French

Updates + ALCATRAZ ebooks in French At the World Science Fiction Convention in Reno a couple of weeks ago, we recorded a few Writing Excuses podcast episodes. The first one features Patrick Rothfuss, and we discussed suspension of disbelief. Check it out. I’ve put up the third chapter of my unfinished novel MYTHWALKER from ten…

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Hugo nomination season, GoodReads Q&A, Pat Rothfuss’s Worldbuilders charity drive, Updates

Hugo nomination season, GoodReads Q&A, Pat Rothfuss’s Worldbuilders charity drive, Updates This year’s World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon) will be held in Melbourne, Australia from September 2nd through September 6th. Unfortunately, I won’t be in attendance since I’ll be going to Dragon*Con in Atlanta that same weekend. However, every year the members of Worldcon vote…

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Amphigory + What I’m Working On

Amphigory + What I’m Working On Okay, so I’m off by a few hours. Sorry about that. I wanted to get this posted on Tuesday, but it will have to be a wee-hours Wednesday post. Scroll down for pun stupidity. Since It’s so late, I’m going to hold off on those annotations (since I have…

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