Towers of Midnight Blogs

Towers of Midnight Blogs

June is Audiobook Month

June is Audiobook Month Readers have been asking if my forthcoming novellas LEGION and THE EMPEROR’S SOUL will be released in audio versions. The answer is that they will be—we have deals made for these, but I’m not sure how quickly the audiobooks will be released compared to the book versions. I’ll let you know when I have more…

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Gemmell Award Nominations + Updates

Gemmell Award Nominations + Updates The short list of six nominees for the David Gemmell Legend Award is out, and for the second year in a row I have two books on the list. Towers of Midnight and The Way of Kings join Brent Weeks’s The Black Prism, Pierre Pevel’s The Alchemist in the Shadows,…

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My JordanCon Schedule + Updates

My JordanCon Schedule + Updates Tomorrow my assistant Peter and I are off to JordanCon in Atlanta. Their full schedule is listed here. My panels are below. Please pay special attention to the details of the Magic draft on Friday night, if you want to participate. There are also a couple of other updates. TOWERS…

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Reader Polls + Updates

Reader Polls + Updates There have been a couple of reader polls lately that my books did well in. SFFWorld polled its forum members for readers’ favorite books of 2010, and THE WAY OF KINGS came out on top, with TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT in second. In addition, held a poll to determine the best…

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Updates, Q&A, and Tweets January 6-10

Updates, Q&A, and Tweets January 6-10 In this week’s Writing Excuses episode, we talk about fulfilling promises to your readers, and we give specific examples from our own stories and others’. The most recent WARBREAKER annotation covers Vivenna’s character arc hitting rock bottom. I also talk about how to give your Breath away one…

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Interviews, Gemmell Award Nominations, Annotation

Interviews, Gemmell Award Nominations, Annotation There are two new interviews with me out there. First is this one at The Fringe, which covers some familiar ground with a few new questions. And then here’s one at Stormblessed, which sheds some new light on details in THE WAY OF KINGS. Both THE WAY OF KINGS and…

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Questions, 30% Off Sale, Signings, Awards & Updates

Questions, 30% Off Sale, Signings, Awards & Updates Do you have a question for me? is soliciting questions for the next three days which they’ll then compile and send my way. I’m also taking questions on Goodreads’s Fantasy Book Club this month. They have one thread for questions about THE WAY OF KINGS and…

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Brandon Sanderson Newsletter for November 2010

Brandon Sanderson Newsletter for November 2010 TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT IS OUT Hi there. It’s Brandon’s assistant Peter writing the newsletter this time. Brandon is currently at a signing in Cincinnati, and any spare minutes he does have he’ll probably spend writing, so it falls to me to write the newsletter. You’re receiving this because you…

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Newsletter + Tweets October 28-November 4

Newsletter + Tweets October 28-November 4 Brandon’s assistant Peter here while Brandon is out on tour. Um, TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT has been released! I sent out a newsletter about that and a few other things yesterday. I also talk about the deadline for ordering stuff from Brandon’s store in time for Christmas delivery. You can…

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Updates, Interview, & Superstars Writing Seminar

Updates, Interview, & Superstars Writing Seminar First some updates. In the most recent Writing Excuses episode we cover the excuses that keep you from writing. And recent WARBREAKER annotations talk about Vasher infiltrating the palace, Lightsong playing Terachin, and Clod’s identity. TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT comes out in slightly less than one week. Yesterday I went…

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TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT Preorders, Tower Guard, Trailer

TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT Preorders, Tower Guard, Trailer First some housekeeping. The most recent Writing Excuses podcast is on avoiding melodrama. And the most recent WARBREAKER annotations cover Clod and the God King’s secret (a big spoiler if you haven’t read the book!). TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT will be released in fourteen days and seven hours. If you want to order a…

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Another Long and Rambling Post™ on Future Books

Another Long and Rambling Post™ on Future Books All, Let’s do a quick (okay, it’s me, so it won’t be quick) update to let everyone know what’s going on here at Dragonsteel Entertainment HQ. (Also known as me sitting on a chair in my bedroom while my eight-month-old son throws half-eaten graham crackers at me.)…

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The Great Hunt Completed!

The Great Hunt Completed! Peter here again. Today at around 9:00 p.m. in Venice, Italy, intrepid Wheel of Time fan Federico located the final The Great Hunt code’s hiding place . . . and confirmed that the code was no longer there. Maybe someone saw Brandon’s friend Ryan place it on top of this photo…

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The Great Hunt Update

The Great Hunt Update Hi all, Brandon’s assistant Peter here. He’s off on his tour (Thursday’s stop is in the Chicago area), so he doesn’t have a lot of time to update the blog. He did write one blog post ahead of time, which I’ll post tomorrow probably. And you can keep track of his…

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TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT Is Done First let me get to some quick updates. I’ve put up a few WARBREAKER annotations: two on chapter five and one on chapter six. Two new podcast episodes of Writing Excuses have also gone up, recorded live at Dragons & Fairy Tales bookstore. In the first one Dan, Howard, and…

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Writing for Charity + Updates

Writing for Charity + Updates On August 21st there will be a writing workshop in South Sandy, Utah whose purpose is to raise money to donate to schoolchildren. Specifically, they hope to donate a book to every child “in at least ten of the lowest socioeconomic populated schools in the state”—at least 6,000 books total.…

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Updates, Tightening Language, and Suvudu Interview

Updates, Tightening Language, and Suvudu Interview At Comic-Con this past weekend I did an interview with Shawn Speakman of Suvudu where I talk about THE WAY OF KINGS among other things. Check it out. In the most recent WARBREAKER annotations I talk about Ramblemen, Idris’s drabness, Mab the cook, and Dedelin’s decision, Siri’s departure and…

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Updates, THE WAY OF KINGS ARC Giveaway, Tour

Updates, THE WAY OF KINGS ARC Giveaway, Tour In the most recent Writing Excuses podcast episode, Dan and I are joined once more by James Dashner and Julie Wright to talk about “mating plumage”: book covers, titles, and first lines. Again, this episode was recorded at CONduit with the help of Dungeon Crawlers Radio. The…

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Catching Up on Updates

Catching Up on Updates Brandon’s assistant Peter here. He’s hard at work on TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT, which you know if you’ve been following on Twitter or Facebook. And I’ve been doing a lot of behind-the-scenes work for the WAY OF KINGS release (the book is being composited as we speak and is due back from…

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Some Long-Awaited Updates

Some Long-Awaited Updates Time to sit down and talk about some things. I hope this doesn’t get too rambly for you, but I’ve been getting a lot of questions about TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT and THE WAY OF KINGS, so I thought I’d give you some updates regarding what’s been happening over here at Dragonsteel Entertainment…

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Splitting A MEMORY OF LIGHT All right, now that the press release is out, let’s talk about some things. I like to be transparent with my readers, whenever possible, and I feel it’s time to let you in more fully on what has been happening this last year. Pull up a chair. Get some hot…

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