Special prices on signed WARBREAKER & Mistborn trilogy, plus Grammar Girl Giveaway & Updates

As many of you know, I offer on my website signed hardcovers of books that have been out for a year or so, since by that time the paperback is available and the hardcover is more difficult to find in stores. Well, WARBREAKER has now been out for a year (and the paperback has been out for almost three months), so I’ve put it up in my store here. I’ve also put up the whole Mistborn trilogy again (though without the Steel Alphabet Medallion that I threw in with the holiday bundle we offered last year). Both WARBREAKER and the Mistborn trilogy have a special price until the release of THE WAY OF KINGS: $20 for WARBREAKER and about $70 for the Mistborn trilogy. After August 31st, WARBREAKER will go up to cover price and the Mistborn trilogy will go up to about $75. This year I’m not going to be signing in quite so many cities as I did last year, so if you like signed books this may be a good way for you to get them. Of course it’s best to come to one of my signings and support the bookseller hosting me by buying my books there, but I know that’s not an option for everyone.

Mignon Fogarty, who runs the excellent Grammar Girl podcast (and wrote the accompanying book), who I met at the Superstars Writing Seminar a few months ago, is having a contest with copies of MISTBORN as prizes—she’s giving away two books each week for the next four weeks. She’s calling it a “conversion story” contest—to enter, send in a story about how you got someone excited about Grammar Girl. The best eight entries will win. Of course, this means that not only would you need to already be listening to the Grammar Girl podcast (which you should be doing) but that you’d also have to have convinced someone else to start listening. Very crafty, Mignon. Anyway, to enter, send your conversion story to contest@quickanddirtytips.com—the sooner the better.

In the most recent Writing Excuses podcast episode from our run at CONduit while Howard was away, Dan and I are joined by James Dashner and Julie Wright for another of our brainstorming episodes. People often ask writers where we get our story ideas, and many of them come from throwing random things together as we do here. Check it out.

And tomorrow the final MISTBORN 3 annotation goes up on the website. (Last week annotations for the final chapter and the epilogue went up—again, full of spoilers!) On Thursday the WARBREAKER annotations should begin; I’ll be doing another post about them then.

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