THE RITHMATIST audiobook, THE EMPEROR’S SOUL ebook at $2.99 & Updates

My YA fantasy novel THE RITHMATIST comes out next week. Read the first 5 chapters here and check out my signing tour schedule here. also put up an article today talking about the book’s magic system.

I’m also pleased to report that Michael Kramer is narrating the audiobook for THE RITHMATIST. You can listen to the prologue and the first part of chapter 1 below. It will be available from Macmillan Audio via Audible and preloaded digital audio, and I assume via iTunes as usual though the listing isn’t up yet.

In non-Rithmatist news, my Hugo Award-nominated novella THE EMPEROR’S SOUL has its ebook currently at a $2.99 special price on Amazon for the month of May, and that’s matched at other ebook vendors.

The most recent Writing Excuses podcast episode covers blocking. If you’re aware of blocking in the context of theater and wonder how it translates over to fiction—or if you have no idea what blocking is—check out the episode!

I’ve missed linking to a couple of’s reread posts for THE WAY OF KINGS. The first one covers chapters 5 and 6, and the second covers chapters 7 and 8. They will put up another post tomorrow. I’m busily writing the sequel, WORDS OF RADIANCE, and you can see that the progress bar on my site is up to 70%, though that may be a bit out of date.

My assistant has also put up another Twitter posts archive covering the last eight weeks.

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