Annotation Mistborn 2 Chapter Thirteen Part Two

Well of Ascension

Chapter Thirteen Part Two

This Elend scene here is almost a direct parallel of the scene in book one where Kelsier first introduces the plan to his people. Elend has a much harder time of it. In fact, this scene–in conjunction with the scene with the Assembly–is supposed to establish Elend as what he is: a man with great ideas, but poor leadership techniques. He’s brilliant and scholarly, but he doesn’t know how to get people to do what he wants.

This is reflected in his speech patterns, and has been since book one. He likes to use the phrase “Now, see,” followed by an observation. He doesn’t command, and when he argues, he uses very passive sentences. All of this is–hopefully–makes your subconscious see him in a certain way.

The only reason he convinces the crew to go along with them is 1) he’s right, they like to gamble, and this is the type of plan they like and 2) they already know him, and his ideas have earned a measure of trust from them.

When necessary, Elend CAN give a brilliant speech. He can make people dream and hope. He just isn’t good at arguing, and is rather poor at being a dictator.

This scene, by the way, is another substantially rewritten one. I focused a lot more on the idea that the crew was going to have to deal with a long siege in the rewrites.

You might be curious to know that I based Elend, in part, on my editor Moshe. I don’t know that it was conscious–in fact, I just noticed the connection while writing right now. However, the speech patterns and the way he thinks are very similar to Moshe, and I kind of see him in my mind as looking like a younger version of my editor. I guess I see Moshe as a sort of heroic guy.

He wouldn’t make a very good dictator either. But, then, I think that’s a good thing, since I have to work with him. 🙂

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