Annotation Elantris Chapter 48

Chapter Forty-Eight
Now we’re getting into the most heavily-edited chapters of the book. From here, if you’re curious about the Mad Prince version of the book, look in the ‘Deleted scenes’ section. For the rest of the annotations, just realize that what the Mad Prince once did, Telrii now does. There is, of course, a lot of cut material–however, all of the essential elements of the plot still occur.
Basically, the Mad Prince gave aggravation and problems to Hrathen in these late chapters. He’d had so much success with his Elantris-poison plots that I knew I had to give him a few more wrinkles during these chapters. In the original draft, he instigated the arrival of the Mad Prince, then realized that he couldn’t control what he’d unleashed.
These were all difficult edits. I still think the Mad Prince worked better in the role than Telrii does–however, the book as a whole works better without the Mad Prince in it. Sometimes you have to cut something good in order to achieve a better over-all effect.
So, all of Telrii’s characterization through the novel has been pushing toward this chapter. I knew I wanted him to throw a huge wrinkle into Hrathen’s plans, and so the basic thing I had to decide was what Telrii could possibly do that would be as disastrous as the Mad Prince’s uncontrollability. In the rewrite, then, I made certain to make Telrii a more unpredictable character. He’s not just wasteful, he’s arrogantly wasteful. At the same time, however, he’s not as much a fool as people assume. He likes his spending, but he also likes how that luxury makes him look. It makes other people underestimate him, and makes them assume that he’s predictable. That lets him pull little coups like the on he throws at Hrathen in this chapter.
Hrathen is, of course, right. Telrii doesn’t have any clue how great a misjudgment he just made. The idea is not that Telrii is brilliant–he’s just smart enough, just wily enough, to be surprising. He’s just dangerous enough to do something disastrous like this.