Annotation Elantris Chapter 5

Chapter Five (No Spoilers–Sorry!)
This chapter includes two very important events. The first is the establishment of Hrathen and Sarene’s relationship. The ‘dramatic eye-lock’ is, admittedly, over-used in fiction. However, I found it appropriate here, since I later have Hrathen remark on Sarene. I wanted to establish that the two had an understanding, and I needed to introduce an overplot for Sarene. Hrathen got his thirty-day timebomb in chapter three, and Raoden not only has his exile, but the problems with the gangs established in the last chapter. So far, Sarene only had her suspicion regarding Raoden’s death, which really isn’t enough to carry her sections of the novel.
One of the plotting elements I had to establish in this book was the fact that a single man–in this case, Hrathen–can have a serious and profound effect on the future of an entire people. If I didn’t establish this, then Sarene’s sections would lack a sense of drama, since Hrathen himself wouldn’t seem like much of a threat. You’ll have to judge for yourself if I actually manage to do this or not.
The second important part of this chapter, obviously, is the introduction of Kiin’s family. Sarene’s personality makes her less independent than Raoden or Hrathen. It isn’t that she lacks determination, or even stubbornness. However, her plots, plans, and personality all require other people–she needs politics, allies, and enemies. Ashe provides a wonderful way for her to talk through her problems. However, I felt that she needed someone within the court of Arelon with which to work and plan. As the book progresses, you’ll notice that Sarene’s chapters include far more side characters than Hrathen or Raoden’s chapters. In fact, I’ll bet she has more than the other two combined. This is just another manifestation of her communal personality–she excels in situations where she can coordinate groups, and she needs a lot of different people to interact with to make her personality really come out.
I have gotten a little grief from readers regarding Kiin’s family. Some think that the family as a whole feels too ‘modern.’ It is an anachronism that, to an extent, I’ll admit. One of the quirks about the fantasy genre is how it generally prefers to deal with ancient governments, technologies, and societies without actually making its characters conform to more ancient personality patterns. In other words, most fantasy main characters are people who, if dusted off a bit and given a short history lesson, could fit-in quite well in the modern world.
I’ll be honest. I prefer the genre this way. I don’t read fantasy because I want a history lesson, though learning things is always nice. I read for characters–and I want to like the characters I get to know. I like putting characters in situations and exploring how they would deal with extreme circumstances. I just don’t think this kind of plotting would be as strong, or as interesting, if the characters weren’t innately identifiable to a modern readership.
My in-world explanation for this is simple. Just because our world placed a certain kind of cultural development alongside a certain level of technological development doesn’t mean that it always has to be that way. In many of my worlds, culture has out-stripped technology. This does have some rational basis; I write worlds that involve very distinct–and often very prevalent–magic systems. Because of the benefit of these magics, many of my societies haven’t been forced to rely as much on technology. There is more leisure time, more time for scholarship, and–as a result–the societies are more developed.
That said, Kiin’s family is a bit extreme, even for me. However, the honest truth is that I wrote them the way I like them. They work, for some reason, to me. They stand out just a little bit, but I’d like to think that it’s their brilliance and forward-thinking–rather than a mistake in narrative–that makes them seem so much like a modern family.