Defending Elysium

Defending ElysiumBY BRANDON SANDERSON The woman thrashed and spasmed in the hospital bed. Her dark hair was matted to her head with sweat, and her uncontrolled motions seemed almost epileptic. Her eyes, however, did not have the wildness of the insane—instead they were focused. Determined. She was not mad; she just couldn’t control her muscles.…

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Warbreaker Leatherbound Preorders

Warbreaker Leatherbound Preorders Adam here. I know many of you have been waiting for the day we start talking about the special Tenth-Anniversary Leatherbound Edition of Warbreaker. Well, today is that day! On top of that, I’m going to tell you how you can get your hands on one of these beautiful books (skip to the…

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The M-Bot Sticker You Never Knew You Needed is Here!

Brandon’s art director Isaac here. My ten-year old daughter—nicknamed “W”—has been reading Skyward in preparation for the release of Starsight on November 26th. She’s read plenty of books before, but this is the first time I’ve seen her dive into something this hefty. Of course, I’m terribly proud of her for reading a book that’s over 500 pages.

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Starsight Release Party

Adam here. We are only three weeks away from the release of Starsight and its coinciding party. As we’ve said before, if you’re hoping to get a personalized copy of one of Brandon’s books this holiday season, your only opportunity will be at the Starsight release party on November 26th.

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