Yumi | Chapter Four

Yumi | Chapter Four The local steamwell erupted right as Yumi was passing—at a safe distance—on the way to the place of ritual. A glorious jet of water ascended from the hole in the center of the village. A furious, superheated cascade that reached forty feet at its highest—a gift from the spirits deep below.…

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Tress | Chapter Four

Tress | Chapter Four Leave. Leave the island? People didn’t leave the island. Tress knew, logically, that wasn’t explicitly true.  Royal officials could leave.  The duke left on occasion to report to the king.  Plus he’d earned all those fancy medals by killing people from a distant place where they looked slightly different.  He’d apparently been quite…

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Frugal Wizard | Chapter Three

Frugal Wizard | Chapter Three Yes, I owned it. I owned England. I owned this planet. I owned this entire universe. On paper, at least. I wasn’t sure about all the specifics—my memory was still performing at a decided zero-out-of-five-stars level. But I knew people could buy dimensions. Well, technically, you bought exclusive access—managed by an unbreakable quantum…

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The Sunlit Man | Chapter Four

The Sunlit Man | Chapter Four When Nomad woke this time, he found himself manacled to a wall. No … it was the outside of a boxy ship, one of those forming the arena. He’d been chained right up against the side of the thing, pulled spread-eagle on a flat piece of metal ten feet by…

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