Mistborn Deleted Scene #7

Mistborn Deleted Scene #7 This scene comes from the one where Breeze and Vin visit the skaa soup kitchen to help with the recruitment efforts. As I’ve mentioned in the annotations, a major shift in drafting was to make Kelsier more interested in the army and less focused on the “heist” of stealing from the…

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Mistborn Deleted Scene #6

Mistborn Deleted Scene #6 Since we had such a long outage last week, I figured I’d throw up another of these to make up for it. See how much I love you! One of the pivotal places I changed the book during drafting, as has been discussed in the annotations, was during the scene where…

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Update From the Desert + Chapter

Update From the Desert + Chapter I’m still down here in Southern Utah, but the hotel has interment access, so I figured it was time to get off my duff and post something. (Well, actually, I’m still sitting on my duff as I post, but you get the idea.) I don’t know if I mentioned,…

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Annotation Elantris Chapter 43

Annotation Elantris Chapter 43 Chapter Forty-three So, in the original version of the book, Raoden and Galladon saw Eton’s army outside the city when they went up to the top of the wall. This shocked and concerned them, which is why they went searching for Sarene to get news about the outside world. More on…

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