Holiday Shipping Deadlines + Updates

Holiday Shipping Deadlines + Updates Below you’ll find the holiday deadlines for the Brandon Sanderson Store. But before then, some updates! Writing Excuses has three episodes I haven’t mentioned yet. All were recorded at Westercon or FantasyCon. First up, Mette Ivie Harrison and J.R. Johannson joined us to talk about writing for the mystery genre. Next, the…

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Writing Excuses Episodes & Caribbean Retreat

Writing Excuses Episodes & Caribbean Retreat There are two new Writing Excuses episodes to talk about: Fan Writing, with Chris Garcia The Convention-Author Relationship, with Deirdre Saoirse Moen Both episodes were recorded at Westercon/FantasyCon earlier this year in front of a live audience. Chris has worked in fanzines for years (and won a Hugo Award…

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Mistborn Trade Paperbacks + New York Comic Con Schedule

Mistborn Trade Paperbacks + New York Comic Con Schedule Back in May I mentioned the new trade paperbacks for the Mistborn trilogy that were coming out, starting with the first book. Since then, The Well of Ascension was released in August, and The Hero of Ages came out this week. All three books have gorgeous Sam Weber cover art, and Isaac Stewart…

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National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) starts in November, and tons of people all over the world will take the challenge to write a 50,000-word novel within the month. To help keep you motivated as you write, I’ll be contributing a Pep Talk this year (also check out my 2011 Pep Talk). One of this year’s sponsors is StoryBundle, and they’re…

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Writing Excuses episodes, Interview with Buzzy Mag & Updates

Writing Excuses episodes, Interview with Buzzy Mag & Updates I’m behind on mentioning the episodes of the Writing Excuses writing advice show that have aired recently. Many of these episodes were recorded in front of a live audience at Westercon and FantasyCon in Salt Lake City. Science Fiction as Science Education (with Brad Voytek) What…

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Assistant Peter Recommends: The Broken Eye by Brent Weeks

Assistant Peter Recommends: The Broken Eye by Brent Weeks Hello there! Brandon’s assistant Peter here. This is the start of a sporadic feature on Brandon’s blog where I recommend something to you. But don’t worry, this probably won’t happen very often. I am also going to recommend something else to you in two weeks, but…

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Tour Report: Europe and Canada

This was Conspiracy, and I had a really solid control deck. I was dominating the board against the fan, whose name I believe was Jason. (Might be some other J-name. Sorry if I got it wrong!) Well, I was feeling pretty confident and then suddenly, he played . This wiped out all creatures, but more importantly, wiped out the little creatures I was using with to create white mana.

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Ice Bucket Challenge

Ice Bucket Challenge So, both Donald Mustard and Jason Denzel called me out on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. I figured since I was on tour for that whole strange scavenger hunt thing and couldn’t participate, I should do something for this one. Besides, it turns out we could kill two birds with one stone. We here at Dragonsteel Entertainment…

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