May Mistborn Swag Box + Weekly Update

May Mistborn Swag Box + Weekly Update Hey! Weekly Update time. Stormlight 5, Bing! 41%. Another 2% this week, which is what we like seeing. I’ve been making good progress these last couple of weeks, so I feel great about that. I’m worried about how long the book will be. We’ll deal with that when…

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Frugal Wizard Bundle Out Now! + Weekly Update

Frugal Wizard Bundle Out Now! + Weekly Update Hey! Brandon here with your Weekly Update. So I am going to move Stormlight Archive to, Bing! 39%. Two percentage points this week because things have been going decently well. I still feel a little bit behind. I should be getting about 2% every week. But at…

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Tress Nears the Finish Line + Weekly Update

Tress Nears the Finish Line + Weekly Update Hey! Weekly Update time. Starting off with Stormlight Archive, we are, Bing! 37%. Inching along just a little bit each week as I’m writing myself into this next big sequence. It’s looking pretty good, but we’ll see.  Skyward Legacy, Bing! Still at 12%. We had Janci doing…

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Download Secret Project #2 Now + Weekly Update

Download Secret Project #2 Now + Weekly Update Hey! Brandon here with your Weekly Update. Stormlight Archive is, Bing! 36%. Yes. I have been working hard at Stormlight Archive Book 5, and I actually wrote some interludes. So that was my work this last week. Everything’s still looking good. Just kind of plugging away, moving,…

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Secret Project 2 Out This Weekend! + Weekly Update

Secret Project 2 Out This Weekend! + Weekly Update Hey! Brandon here with your Weekly Update. So let’s get some percentages out of the way. Stormlight Archive is at Bing! 35%. Things are going along very well, so I am inching that up. Do understand we’ll probably have another giant leap forward when I get…

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Tress Resumes Shipping + Weekly Update

Tress Resumes Shipping + Weekly Update Hello! Welcome to another Weekly Update. I’m your Brandon, Brandon. So far, I have been working away since returning on Stormlight 5, and I am at, Bing! 34%. Another percentage point up. Feeling pretty good about that. It’s been just a little hard to get back into the groove.…

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Brandon’s Back! + Weekly Update

Brandon’s Back! + Weekly Update Hi! I’m back. I came back and it was 28 degrees, and there was a foot of snow on my car in the parking lot at the airport. So I don’t know how long I’ll say but I am back from Hawaii. Thank you all for tuning in to see…

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Update on Printing Tress + Weekly Update

Update on Printing Tress + Weekly Update ISAAC: Hello there! I’m Isaac Stewart, standing in for Brandon today. I am over Creative Development at Dragonsteel. And Brandon’s in Hawaii, out of the office, having fun, writing on the beach. He has an update for us later in the video about how things are going with…

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Cytoverse Shipping Has Begun! + Weekly Update

Cytoverse Shipping Has Begun! + Weekly Update Hey, everybody! Brandon here with your Weekly Update. Now, I will be gone next week, so someone else will be sitting in this chair. I hope you treat them well. I’ll be back in a couple weeks. I’m heading off to Hawaii with my family. But for now,…

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