Limited Hoid Boxes For Sale + Weekly Update

Limited Hoid Boxes For Sale + Weekly Update Hey, Weekly Update time! I’m wearing my Hoid shirt from the Hoid box. That will be relevant in just a minute. But first, Bing! I am at 29% on Stormlight. I had a good week of writing. I also managed to sneak in a quick revision on…

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Photo of Brandon half of his face covered in Hoid stickers

Brandon’s Bookclub Coming Soon + Weekly Update

Brandon’s Bookclub Coming Soon + Weekly Update Hey, Brandon here with a quick Weekly Update. I am back on Stormlight 5. I have written roughly 4,000 words this week, which equates to 1%. Bing! 28% We’re kind of rushing through this Weekly Update. We’re doing it last minute because of so many things happening this…

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Defiant Revisions Completed + Weekly Update

Defiant Revisions Completed + Weekly Update Hey, Brandon here. Sorry about the canceled livestream last week. We had several members of my household get COVID, so I decided to cancel the livestream and some other things, such as recording my Weekly Update last week, and I’m doing it on Monday instead. I have tested negative…

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Dark One: Forgotten Out Now! + Weekly Update

Dark One: Forgotten Out Now! + Weekly Update Hey, everybody! Weekly Update time with a special guest. We’ll get to him in a second. First, I want to give you an update on what I’ve been writing. I have been revising Defiant, the final book of the Skyward series, and I am, Bing! About 33%…

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Secret Project #1 Out Tomorrow! + Weekly Update

Secret Project #1 Out Tomorrow! + Weekly Update Hey, everybody! So, Weekly Update time.  First things first. There was a lot of snow, and we still haven’t seen our print copies of Secret Project 1. So we have made an executive decision. We’re going to start shipping out February’s box right now. As soon as…

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Stormlight 5 Milestone + Weekly Update

Stormlight 5 Milestone + Weekly Update Hey! Brandon here with your Weekly Update. So, bit of a slower week this week, a shorter update. That’s because things are winding down a little bit for the holidays. But I still have some fun things for you. First one is Stormlight 5. We are at, Bing!, 25%.…

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