Warbreaker Chapter Eight

Warbreaker Chapter Eight Siri groaned, rolling over. Her back hurt, her arms hurt, and her head hurt. In fact, she was so uncomfortable that she couldn’t stay asleep, despite her fatigue. She sat up, holding her head. She’d spent the night on the floor of the God King’s bedchamber—sleeping, kind of. Sunlight poured into the…

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Warbreaker Chapter Seven

Warbreaker Chapter Seven The door shut behind her. A large fire growled in a hearth to her left, bringing a shifting orange light to the large room. The black walls seemed to draw in and absorb the illumination, making deep shadows at the edges of the room. Siri stood quietly in her ornate velvet dress,…

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Warbreaker Chapter Six

Warbreaker Chapter Six Siri stepped from the carriage. Immediately, dozens of servants in blue and silver swarmed around her, pulling her away. Siri turned, alarmed, looking back toward her soldiers. The men stepped forward, but Treledees held up his hand. “The Vessel will go alone,” the priest declared. Siri felt a stab of fear. This…

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Warbreaker Chapter Five

Warbreaker Chapter Five This will complicate things, Vasher thought, standing in the shadows atop the wall that enclosed the Court of Gods. What’s wrong? Nightblood asked. So the rebels actually sent a princess. Doesn’t change your plans. Vasher waited, watching, as the new queen’s carriage crept up the incline and disappeared into the palace’s maw. What? Nightblood demanded. Even…

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Warbreaker Chapter Four

Warbreaker Chapter Four Siri’s carriage rolled to a stop outside of T’Telir, capital of Hallandren. She stared out the window and realized something very, very intimidating: Her people had no idea what it meant to be ostentatious. Flowers weren’t ostentatious. Ten soldiers protecting a carriage was not ostentatious. Throwing a tantrum in public wasn’t ostentatious. The field…

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Warbreaker Chapter Three

Warbreaker Chapter Three Lightsong didn’t remember dying. His priests, however, assured him that his death had been extremely inspiring. Noble. Grand. Heroic. One did not Return unless one died in a way that exemplified the great virtues of human existence. That was why the Iridescent Tones sent the Returned back; they acted as examples, and…

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Warbreaker Chapter Two

Warbreaker Chapter Two Siri sat, stunned, in a rattling carriage, her homeland growing more and more distant with each bump and shake. Two days had passed, and she still didn’t understand. This was supposed to be Vivenna’s task. Everybody understood that. Idris had thrown a celebration on the day of Vivenna’s birth. The king had…

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Warbreaker Chapter One

Warbreaker Chapter One There were great advantages to being unimportant. True, by many people’s standards, Siri wasn’t “unimportant.” She was, after all, the daughter of a king. Fortunately, her father had four living children, and Siri—at seventeen years of age—was the youngest. Fafen, the daughter just older than Siri, had done the family duty and…

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Warbreaker Prologue

Warbreaker Prologue It’s funny, Vasher thought, how many things begin with my getting thrown into prison. The guards laughed to one another, slamming the cell door shut with a clang. Vasher stood and dusted himself off, rolling his shoulder and wincing. While the bottom half of his cell door was solid wood, the top half was barred,…

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Warbreaker Acknowledgements

Warbreaker Acknowledgements Working on Warbreaker was an unusual process in some ways; you can read more about it on my website. Suffice it to say that I had a more varied pool of alpha readers than normally, many of whom I know primarily through their handles on my forums. I’ve tried to get everyone’s names in here,…

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