Warbreaker Blogs

Warbreaker Blogs

State of the Sanderson 2019

State of the Sanderson 2019 Introduction Welcome, everyone, to our final State of the Sanderson for the decade! If you’re not familiar with these posts, each December I take a look back at my year and talk about the projects I’ve been working on. Then I turn an eye to the future to see where…

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Warbreaker Leatherbound Preorders

Warbreaker Leatherbound Preorders Adam here. I know many of you have been waiting for the day we start talking about the special Tenth-Anniversary Leatherbound Edition of Warbreaker. Well, today is that day! On top of that, I’m going to tell you how you can get your hands on one of these beautiful books (skip to the…

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The M-Bot Sticker You Never Knew You Needed is Here!

Brandon’s art director Isaac here. My ten-year old daughter—nicknamed “W”—has been reading Skyward in preparation for the release of Starsight on November 26th. She’s read plenty of books before, but this is the first time I’ve seen her dive into something this hefty. Of course, I’m terribly proud of her for reading a book that’s over 500 pages.

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A Christmas Present

A Christmas Present Introduction: The Short Version I’ve got a new story out for you to read. It’s free, and you can dive into it by going to this link. Enjoy! Once you’ve read it, here are some links of places to talk about it, all of which are likely to contain spoilers. Discussion on Reddit Discussion…

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Hugo voting deadline, Audible sale + Updates

Hugo voting deadline, Audible sale + Updates Adam here. I just wanted to give all of you a little reminder that the Hugo Award voting deadline is tomorrow (July, 31st). Voting is open to all supporting and attending members of Worldcon 76. If you’re wanting to cast your vote but aren’t a Worlcon member, it’s not…

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Making a mess with papers, FAQ Friday + Updates

Making a mess with papers, FAQ Friday + Updates In this week’s new Writing Excuses episode, What Makes a Good Monster, with Courtney Alameda, Howard, Mary, Dan, with guest host Susan Chang talk Monsters with Courtney Alameda at LTUE 2017. What makes the best ones so good? We discuss some of our favorites, and how the…

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FAQ Friday Poll, Oathbringer’s UK Cover + Updates

FAQ Friday Poll, Oathbringer’s UK Cover + Updates In this week’s new Writing Excuses episode, “Oh Crap, the Cops are Here!”, Howard, Dan, Steve Diamond, and special guest Joe McKinney tackle law-enforcement. We invited Steve Diamond, who has been a guest before, and who has some law enforcement background, to help us grill Joe McKinney, who…

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New Writing Excuses, #FaqFriday Poll Results + Updates

New Writing Excuses, #FaqFriday Poll Results + Updates In this week’s new Writing Excuses episode, Narrative Bumper Pool, with Bill Fawcett and Carrie Patel, Brandon, Mary, Mary Anne, and Wesley talk revision. Revision: it’s when you make a too-short piece longer, or a too-long piece shorter. (It’s also a great many other things, suggesting that this…

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New Writing Excuses episode + updates

New Writing Excuses episode + updates In this week’s new Writing Excuses episode, Proposals, Pitches, and Queries, Brandon, Mary, Dan, and Howard talk about selling your stuff. In this episode we discuss query letters, pitches, and proposals—the tools that you use to present your material to people who can pay you for it, and who will…

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FAQFriday voting and weekly update

FAQFriday voting and weekly update In this week’s new Writing Excuses episode, Hybrid Outlining and Discovery Writing, Brandon, Dan, Howard, and Piper answer some questions: what can discovery writers learn from outlining? What can outliners learn from discovery writing? Is there a balance between the two that can serve as a happy, productive place for writers?…

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#FaqFriday voting and weekly update

#FaqFriday voting and weekly update In this week’s new Writing Excuses episode, Retrofitting Structure into a First Draft, Brandon, Mary, Mary Anne, and Wesley speak, at least in part, to discovery writers. In this case, talking about how to take a non-outlined work and apply a structure to it in revisions. Last week, in Tor.com’s continuing…

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The Brandon Sanderson Humble Book Bundle

The Brandon Sanderson Humble Book Bundle For those of you who have been paying attention to my various feeds on my social media channels this won’t come as a surprise, but for those of you who are just seeing this, Humble Bundle has put together a collection which includes many of my shorter works as well as…

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Weekly Update!

Weekly Update! Adam here. As you can probably imagine, Brandon’s inbox is flooded daily with questions ranging from inquiries about his favorite color to asking how everything in the cosmere ends. For obvious reasons, Brandon can’t answer all of these. What I am going to start doing is to create a weekly poll of questions—hopefully…

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Weekly Update!

Weekly Update! In this week’s new Writing Excuses episode, Q&A on Viewpoint, Brandon, Piper, Dan, and Howard answer your questions about viewpoint. Here they are! Do you have tips and tricks for making 3rd-person omniscient compelling? How do you make 3rd-person limited compelling? Is it normal to need several drafts to nail down a character’s voice?…

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Boskone schedule + updates

Boskone schedule + updates Brandon will be in Boston next week for Boskone 54 below is a brief overview of his schedule. You can see all the details, including his future trips, on his Upcoming Events page. Friday My Toughest Book Time: 15:00 – 16:00 Signing Time: 17:00 – 18:00 Saturday Mistborn: House War Game Demo Time: 11:00 – 12:00 Building a…

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Interview with Brandon + Updates

Interview with Brandon + Updates Brandon, while touring in Italy for his European tour last fall, sat down for a few minutes with Isola Illyon –an online publication known in Italy as a central hub for information on fantasy and gaming– to talk about fantasy, and whatever else came to mind. In this week’s new Writing Excuses…

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New Writing Excuses Episode + Updates

New Writing Excuses Episode + Updates In this week’s new Writing Excuses episode, Variations on First Person, Brandon, Mary, Dan, and Howard spend a few minutes on the administrative stuff before jumping into January’s structural topic, the first person voice, with a discussion of the variations in how that POV is presented. We cover some of…

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Elantris Leatherbound (Official)

Elantris Leatherbound (Official) It’s here, and it’s beautiful! This is the official launch, so feel free to retweet, blog, or otherwise share this post with people you know who are fans of Elantris! I made a little preview post last week, because of shipping deadlines, but here is the official (with pictures) post about the Elantris Leatherbound edition! Below you’ll…

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Arcanum Unbounded Tour Starts Today + Updates

Arcanum Unbounded Tour Starts Today + Updates Adam here. Brandon is currently heading out to the airport to start his “short” tour for Arcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection. If you’re not familiar with what Arcanum Unbounded is, check out Brandon’s introduction to it here. I have listed his tour stops below, but if you want to see…

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Warbreaker prologue reread + Writing Excuses on Elemental Drama

Warbreaker prologue reread + Writing Excuses on Elemental Drama In this week’s new Writing Excuses episode, Elemental Drama as a Sub-Genre, the Writing Excuses crew turns their focus on elemental drama. This can be tricky as it’s basically “character change,” and a great many stories use character change in some way—it’s almost ubiquitous. In this episode…

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Final 2016 Sanderson Lecture + Updates

Final 2016 Sanderson Lecture + Updates Brandon’s assistant Adam here. Due to the overwhelming number of people who request for Brandon to work on Oathbringer (Stormlight 3) and nothing else, I asked Brandon if he wouldn’t mind if I took the weekly update posts off his plate to give him more time to devote to the enormous…

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State of the Sanderson 2013

JTVCcmNibG9jayUyMGlkJTNEJTIyMjU2OSUyMiU1RA==It has been quite a busy time these last six or seven months. Too busy, maybe? A lot of great experiences, but it has cut into my time to be at home writing. Let me give you a little update of what I’m doing writing-wise.

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June is Audiobook Month

June is Audiobook Month Readers have been asking if my forthcoming novellas LEGION and THE EMPEROR’S SOUL will be released in audio versions. The answer is that they will be—we have deals made for these, but I’m not sure how quickly the audiobooks will be released compared to the book versions. I’ll let you know when I have more…

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Sanderson’s Second Law + Updates

Sanderson’s Second Law + Updates This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode covers more on fauna and flora. Check it out. My assistant Peter has uploaded a new Twitter posts archive and the final chapter of my abandoned 2001 novel MYTHWALKER. He’s also put up my Sanderson’s Second Law article, which was first printed in the June 2011 issue of LEADING EDGE SCIENCE FICTION…

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First Draft Finished + Updates

First Draft Finished + Updates This week’s Writing Excuses episode is titled “Help, I Can’t End My Book!” This is the final podcast of this season for Howard, Mary, Dan, and me. Check it out. There’s a new chapter of my abandoned 2001 novel MYTHWALKER up. My assistant has put up a new Twitter posts collection that includes my…

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Mistborn Adventure Game Out Now + Updates

Mistborn Adventure Game Out Now + Updates My assistant has uploaded another chapter of my abandoned 2001 novel MYTHWALKER. He also put up a new Twitter posts archive. This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode features Mary, Dan, Howard, and I talking about character foils. Give it a listen. The biggest news for this week is that the long-awaited Mistborn…

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Official NaNoWriMo Pep Talk + Updates

Official NaNoWriMo Pep Talk + Updates My assistant Peter has uploaded a new Twitter posts collection and another MYTHWALKER chapter. This is a novel that I abandoned back in 2001, but I cannibalized the parts that were working into WARBREAKER when I started writing that. This chapter contains the first scene that another scene in…

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Holiday deadline, Mistborn pumpkin & Updates

Holiday deadline, Mistborn pumpkin & Updates Here’s a really cool Mistborn pumpkin by deviantART member joh-wee. She calls it “Survivor of the Flames.” Be sure to check out the full image and the unlit version. My assistant Becky wanted me to remind international readers that the deadline for ordering books so I can sign them before…

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A MEMORY OF LIGHT names + Updates

A MEMORY OF LIGHT names + Updates I’ve put up another Twitter archive post. And as I continue writing the first draft of A MEMORY OF LIGHT (now up to 75% of my 300,000-word projection), keep your eye on Twitter and Facebook. Each time I come across a spot in the book where I need to insert…

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Fantasy Magazine interview with Leigh Butler + Updates

Fantasy Magazine interview with Leigh Butler + Updates Leigh Butler interviewed me for Fantasy Magazine. The interview talks about THE ALLOY OF LAW, the Stormlight Archive, the Wheel of Time, THE RITHMATIST, and rules of magic among other topics. It’s fairly extensive, so check it out. This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode features Patrick Rothfuss’s…

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Mistborn Fan Trailer + Updates

Mistborn Fan Trailer + Updates There’s a new chapter of my unfinished 2001 novel MYTHWALKER up. This is the chapter where things really start to happen. I’ve also uploaded a new collection of Twitter posts. This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode is another that was recorded at the World Science Fiction Convention this year, and…

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THE ALLOY OF LAW giveaways & ebooks + updates

THE ALLOY OF LAW giveaways & ebooks + updates This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode is another one that was recorded at the World Science Fiction Convention. It features Lauren Beukes and talks about writing other cultures. Check it out. There’s a new MYTHWALKER chapter up. This one introduces Vvenna, who eventually became Vivenna in…

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Updates + ALCATRAZ ebooks in French

Updates + ALCATRAZ ebooks in French At the World Science Fiction Convention in Reno a couple of weeks ago, we recorded a few Writing Excuses podcast episodes. The first one features Patrick Rothfuss, and we discussed suspension of disbelief. Check it out. I’ve put up the third chapter of my unfinished novel MYTHWALKER from ten…

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Reddit IAmA, Signed THE WAY OF KINGS + Updates

Reddit IAmA, Signed THE WAY OF KINGS + Updates This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode with Mary, Dan, Howard, and me covers worldbuilding communications technology. The state of communications technology can have a wide-reaching effect on your story, so give it a listen. My assistant has uploaded another chapter of my unfinished and abandoned novel…

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Forum move, ALLOY preview, Worldcon costumes + Updates

Forum move, ALLOY preview, Worldcon costumes + Updates The site that has hosted my forums for years, the Official Time-Waster’s Guide, has now officially gone offline. The front page hadn’t really been updated in years as staff members moved on to other projects, and few areas of the forum were still active, so it’s not…

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MYTHWALKER Prologue + Updates

MYTHWALKER Prologue + Updates This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode covers making descriptions serve multiple purposes. This helps keep your descriptive passages from being dry, among other things. Give it a listen. I haven’t mentioned it here yet, but Tor.com put up chapter five of my new Mistborn book, THE ALLOY OF LAW. There will…

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Final WARBREAKER Annotation + Updates

Final WARBREAKER Annotation + Updates On this week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode, Mary, Dan, Howard, and I talk about Orson Scott Card’s M.I.C.E. Quotient. That stands for Milieu, Idea, Character, and Event, and it is a valuable tool for improving your writing. The final WARBREAKER annotation is up. Next week my assistant Peter will start…

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Mistborn Adventure Game preorders + Updates

Mistborn Adventure Game preorders + Updates Today’s WARBREAKER annotation covers the epilogue. There’s just one annotation left, folks. The WARBREAKER html version is also now completely uploaded. This week’s Writing Excuses podcast has another of our microcasting episodes. Mary, Howard, Dan, and I fielded questions from people on Twitter and answered them briefly. We discussed…

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Australia 2012 visit, Signings + Updates

Australia 2012 visit, Signings + Updates I’ve added some events to my events calendar. First up is a joint signing with Peter Orullian (The Unremembered) in West Jordan on August 4th. I also added three conventions I’ll be going to in Australia in April 2012; there will probably be bookstore signings between these events, but…

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Q&A Recording, T-Shirts & Updates

Q&A Recording, T-Shirts & Updates I had a great time at Polaris in Toronto this past weekend. If you couldn’t be there, you can check out an mp3 of the Q&A session that I did, which @Thesleepingwolf has posted online here. (If you want to download it and can’t figure out which link to use,…

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THE ALLOY OF LAW Sample Chapters

THE ALLOY OF LAW Sample Chapters First a couple of updates. There’s a new Warbreaker annotation up covering chapter 54 (with more about Old Chaps’s background, aside from the usual discussion about the climax), and there’s a new collection of Twitter posts. And the second Writing Excuses podcast episode with Mary Robinette Kowal as an…

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THE WAY OF KINGS Wins the David Gemmell Legend Award

THE WAY OF KINGS Wins the David Gemmell Legend Award I’ve put up a new WARBREAKER annotation about chapter 55. Plus there’s also a new Writing Excuses episode up on professional organizations. As our cohost Mary Robinette Kowal is also the vice president of SFWA, she has many useful things to say on the topic.…

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Signing in Oslo Tomorrow

Signing in Oslo Tomorrow Today my flight out of Strasbourg was delayed, so I missed my connecting flight to Oslo in Amsterdam. The result of that was an eight-hour wait in Amsterdam before the next flight, so I got to hang out with some of the local readers while eating pancakes and fries. If you’re…

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Anyone out there work for Delta Air Lines?

Anyone out there work for Delta Air Lines? Two big updates for today. The first is related to a tweet I made last night. I’m scheduled to fly to France later this month, and that trip is going to be smack-dab in the middle of working on the last WoT book. I worry that the…

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Writing Excuses Nominated for a Hugo Award

Writing Excuses Nominated for a Hugo Award First off, there’s a new Warbreaker annotation that covers Vasher sneaking into the God King’s palace. It also talks about why one character doesn’t just kill another character. This week’s Writing Excuses episode, season 5 episode 34, covers story bibles. Dan, Howard, and I talk about different ways…

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Updates & Tweets

Updates & Tweets This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode covers e-publishing. This one was recorded at Life, the Universe & Everything, and Tracy Hickman and Dave Wolverton/Farland join Howard and Dan. I was at ConDFW that weekend. There’s a new Twitter posts collection up, covering the first half of this month. And the newest WARBREAKER…

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Reader Polls + Updates

Reader Polls + Updates There have been a couple of reader polls lately that my books did well in. SFFWorld polled its forum members for readers’ favorite books of 2010, and THE WAY OF KINGS came out on top, with TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT in second. In addition, Tor.com held a poll to determine the best…

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Review of THE WISE MAN’S FEAR First some updates. This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode features Sherrilyn Kenyon talking about how to make your readers fear for your characters. The newest WARBREAKER annotation is on a climactic moment in the Siri/Susebron relationship. And there’s a new batch of Twitter posts up, covering the past month.…

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French Interview + Updates

French Interview + Updates While I was at the Utopiales convention I sat down for an interview with the great folks at Elbakin.net. (They’re the same ones who gave MISTBORN an award; see pictures in my convention report.) Well, they’ve now posted the interview in French, and it covers a ton of different topics. (There’s…

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Going to Dallas/Fort Worth + Updates

Going to Dallas/Fort Worth + Updates I’ll be a guest of honor at ConDFW this weekend. My convention schedule is below. But first some updates. This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode is another of the ones that Dan, Howard, and I recorded at the Superstars Writing Seminar. For this episode, Kevin J. Anderson joins us…

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Another Writing Excuses Video & WARBREAKER Annotation

Another Writing Excuses Video & WARBREAKER Annotation We’ve got another Writing Excuses video up for you. This week’s podcast episode covers using holidays in fantasy and science fiction, and Mary Robinette Kowal and Dave Wolverton/David Farland one again join Dan and Howard to discuss the topic. Moses Siregar III of Adventures in Sci-Fi Publishing filmed…

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Writing Excuses Video + Updates

Writing Excuses Video + Updates This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode covers film considerations, and Mary Robinette Kowal and Dave Wolverton/David Farland join Dan and Howard to discuss the topic. Appropriately, this episode was also filmed by Moses Siregar III of Adventures in Sci-Fi Publishing, and the video is up on YouTube. The most recent…

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Updates + Tweets January 17-20

Updates + Tweets January 17-20 This week’s episode of Writing Excuses is one of those that was recorded during the Superstars Writing Seminar, and it’s on alternate history. I was doing a panel at the time, but Eric Flint and Mary Robinette Kowal were there with Howard and Dan to shed light on the topic.…

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Updates + Tweets January 10-17

Updates + Tweets January 10-17 In this week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode, Dan, Howard, and I go over more dialogue writing exercises. By the way, we recorded seven great episodes at this past weekend’s Superstars Writing Seminar, with guests Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kevin J. Anderson, Eric Flint, David Farland, and Mary Robinette Kowal, so you have…

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Updates, Tor.com Q&A, and Tweets January 6-10

Updates, Tor.com Q&A, and Tweets January 6-10 In this week’s Writing Excuses episode, we talk about fulfilling promises to your readers, and we give specific examples from our own stories and others’. The most recent WARBREAKER annotation covers Vivenna’s character arc hitting rock bottom. I also talk about how to give your Breath away one…

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Updates + THE WAY OF KINGS in the UK

Updates + THE WAY OF KINGS in the UK This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode with Dan Wells and Howard Tayler is called Offending Your Readers—and specifically covers various ways you might offend your readers and how to avoid it. The most recent WARBREAKER annotation is about chapter 36, which is one of the most…

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Interviews, Gemmell Award Nominations, Annotation

Interviews, Gemmell Award Nominations, Annotation There are two new interviews with me out there. First is this one at The Fringe, which covers some familiar ground with a few new questions. And then here’s one at Stormblessed, which sheds some new light on details in THE WAY OF KINGS. Both THE WAY OF KINGS and…

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Annotations, Writing Excuses, & Superstars Special

Annotations, Writing Excuses, & Superstars Special The most recent WARBREAKER annotation covers Lightsong’s line, “My dear, did you just try to prove the existence of God with your cleavage?” among other topics. You may notice a bit of a slowdown in annotations from this point forward; weeks where only one annotation gets posted will be…

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Questions, 30% Off Sale, Signings, Awards & Updates

Questions, 30% Off Sale, Signings, Awards & Updates Do you have a question for me? Tor.com is soliciting questions for the next three days which they’ll then compile and send my way. I’m also taking questions on Goodreads’s Fantasy Book Club this month. They have one thread for questions about THE WAY OF KINGS and…

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Interviews, Superstars Writing Seminar & Updates

Interviews, Superstars Writing Seminar & Updates This past week’s WARBREAKER annotations cover the writing rule that characters who do things are more interesting than those who don’t, who followed Vasher into the palace, naked athletic competitions, and Lightsong’s indolence. In the most recent Writing Excuses episode, Dan Wells, Howard Tayler, and I are again joined by John…

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Signing Tuesday in Paris

Signing Tuesday in Paris Peter here again, since Brandon is still in France. There’s a new Writing Excuses podcast episode up where Brandon, Dan, and Howard answer five mostly unrelated questions about writing. The questions they answered are listed here. And there’s a new WARBREAKER annotation up covering chapter twenty-five, largely about religion. Brandon will…

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Newsletter + Tweets October 28-November 4

Newsletter + Tweets October 28-November 4 Brandon’s assistant Peter here while Brandon is out on tour. Um, TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT has been released! I sent out a newsletter about that and a few other things yesterday. I also talk about the deadline for ordering stuff from Brandon’s store in time for Christmas delivery. You can…

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Updates, Interview, & Superstars Writing Seminar

Updates, Interview, & Superstars Writing Seminar First some updates. In the most recent Writing Excuses episode we cover the excuses that keep you from writing. And recent WARBREAKER annotations talk about Vasher infiltrating the palace, Lightsong playing Terachin, and Clod’s identity. TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT comes out in slightly less than one week. Yesterday I went…

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TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT Preorders, Tower Guard, Trailer

TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT Preorders, Tower Guard, Trailer First some housekeeping. The most recent Writing Excuses podcast is on avoiding melodrama. And the most recent WARBREAKER annotations cover Clod and the God King’s secret (a big spoiler if you haven’t read the book!). TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT will be released in fourteen days and seven hours. If you want to order a…

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Another Long and Rambling Post™ on Future Books

Another Long and Rambling Post™ on Future Books All, Let’s do a quick (okay, it’s me, so it won’t be quick) update to let everyone know what’s going on here at Dragonsteel Entertainment HQ. (Also known as me sitting on a chair in my bedroom while my eight-month-old son throws half-eaten graham crackers at me.)…

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Updates + Video of Fantasy Authors Panel

Updates + Video of Fantasy Authors Panel I have a long update coming probably tomorrow on the final Wheel of Time book A MEMORY OF LIGHT, the next Stormlight Archive book, sequels to other books I’ve written, and other projects. But for now just a quick post. The most recent WARBREAKER annotations cover Vivenna reading…

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Robert Jordan Memorial Scholarship Winner + Updates

Robert Jordan Memorial Scholarship Winner + Updates Back in June I mentioned the Robert Jordan Memorial Scholarship given out by TarValon.net and awarded based on applicants’ essays on the topic “How I plan to use my studies to become a Servant of All.” Well, the winner of this year’s scholarship has been announced, and it’s…

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The Great Hunt Update

The Great Hunt Update Hi all, Brandon’s assistant Peter here. He’s off on his tour (Thursday’s stop is in the Chicago area), so he doesn’t have a lot of time to update the blog. He did write one blog post ahead of time, which I’ll post tomorrow probably. And you can keep track of his…

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TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT Is Done First let me get to some quick updates. I’ve put up a few WARBREAKER annotations: two on chapter five and one on chapter six. Two new podcast episodes of Writing Excuses have also gone up, recorded live at Dragons & Fairy Tales bookstore. In the first one Dan, Howard, and…

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Writing for Charity + Updates

Writing for Charity + Updates On August 21st there will be a writing workshop in South Sandy, Utah whose purpose is to raise money to donate to schoolchildren. Specifically, they hope to donate a book to every child “in at least ten of the lowest socioeconomic populated schools in the state”—at least 6,000 books total.…

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Updates, Tightening Language, and Suvudu Interview

Updates, Tightening Language, and Suvudu Interview At Comic-Con this past weekend I did an interview with Shawn Speakman of Suvudu where I talk about THE WAY OF KINGS among other things. Check it out. In the most recent WARBREAKER annotations I talk about Ramblemen, Idris’s drabness, Mab the cook, and Dedelin’s decision, Siri’s departure and…

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ELANTRIS Back in Stock + Sanderson 5-Pack Sale

ELANTRIS Back in Stock + Sanderson 5-Pack Sale On the heels of signed copies of WARBREAKER coming to my online store a couple of weeks ago, signed copies of ELANTRIS are now finally back in stock. I think it’s been over a year—maybe over two—since we ran out of copies and had to pull it…

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Updates + More THE WAY OF KINGS Previews

Updates + More THE WAY OF KINGS Previews The most recent Writing Excuses podcast episodes feature the return of Howard Tayler after his hiatus from the episodes recorded at CONduit. First up we discuss avoiding stilted dialogue. Then we talk about major overhauls to broken stories. WARBREAKER annotations are going up, with entries added for…

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June Is (was) Audiobook Month

June Is (was) Audiobook Month Well, here it is the last day of June and I haven’t mentioned audiobooks at all like I was supposed to, and we all know whose fault that was . . . that’s right, my assistant Peter. June is audiobook month! There are lots of audiobook-related posts on Twitter with…

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Updates, THE WAY OF KINGS ARC Giveaway, Tour

Updates, THE WAY OF KINGS ARC Giveaway, Tour In the most recent Writing Excuses podcast episode, Dan and I are joined once more by James Dashner and Julie Wright to talk about “mating plumage”: book covers, titles, and first lines. Again, this episode was recorded at CONduit with the help of Dungeon Crawlers Radio. The…

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Robert Jordan Memorial Scholarship applications, updates

Robert Jordan Memorial Scholarship applications, updates The folks over at TarValon.net let me know that applications for next school year’s scholarship are now being accepted. It’s a $500 scholarship open to all undergraduate students attending an accredited college or university, and the recipient is chosen based on their essay on the topic “How I plan…

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Hugo nomination season, GoodReads Q&A, Pat Rothfuss’s Worldbuilders charity drive, Updates

Hugo nomination season, GoodReads Q&A, Pat Rothfuss’s Worldbuilders charity drive, Updates This year’s World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon) will be held in Melbourne, Australia from September 2nd through September 6th. Unfortunately, I won’t be in attendance since I’ll be going to Dragon*Con in Atlanta that same weekend. However, every year the members of Worldcon vote…

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Amphigory + What I’m Working On

Amphigory + What I’m Working On Okay, so I’m off by a few hours. Sorry about that. I wanted to get this posted on Tuesday, but it will have to be a wee-hours Wednesday post. Scroll down for pun stupidity. Since It’s so late, I’m going to hold off on those annotations (since I have…

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Brandon Sanderson Newsletter for February 2006

Brandon Sanderson Newsletter for February 2006 —Breaking News: Brandon will be appearing as a guest on the “Wakin’ Up With Rebecca and Kurt” radio show Wednesday, the 22nd at around 8:30 am. The station is AM 820, and should be available in Utah County and Salt Lake.— INTRODUCTION Howdy all! You’re getting this because you…

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