Weekly Update New Fan Bundles on Sale Now!

New Fan Bundles on Sale Now! + Weekly Update

New Fan Bundles on Sale Now! + Weekly Update Hey, Brandon here. Weekly Update time. We’ve been gone for a little while. Thank you for coming back to find out that Stormlight 5 is at, Bing! 100%. In fact, Stormlight 5’s 2.0 revision is at, Bing! 100%. That’s right. Because I wrote the 2.0. I…

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State of the Sanderson 2023

State of the Sanderson 2023 Introduction Whew, what a year! As I write this, the first of the December boxes are arriving in the hands of backers—meaning the Year of Sanderson has come to a close. By the time this goes live, I believe all of them will be shipped. Twelve boxes, with four books,…

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Weekly Update title Dragonsteel 2023 Live Now

Dragonsteel 2023 LIVE NOW + Weekly Update

Dragonsteel 2023 LIVE NOW + Weekly Update Hey! Brandon with your Weekly Update. An exciting one this week. We are at, Bing! 90% on Stormlight 5. And Skyward Legacy is at, Bing! 77%. So both of those are getting very close to being done. You can follow along. I’m supposed to turn mine in one…

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Weekly Update thumbnail with Brandon Sanderson looking straight ahead. The text title says Weekly Update New Products Showcase

New Products Showcase + Warbreaker Box Now For Sale

New Products Showcase + Warbreaker Box Now For Sale Hey! Brandon here with Brandon’s merch table, and also our Weekly Update. So, book update first. We are at, Bing! 84% on Stormlight 5. Going along really well, inching toward that deadline in December. It might actually speed up a little bit in coming weeks. We’ll…

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Weekly Update Lighting Signing

Lightning Signing Reveal + Weekly Update!

Lightning Signing Reveal + Weekly Update! Hey, everybody! Time for our Weekly Update. Stormlight 5 is at, Bing! 82%. I did get some good writing done while I was in Hawaii, and I think we’re going to be in a smooth sail to the rest of the book. We’re probably actually a little bit more…

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Defiant Bundle Preorder under weekly update title with Brandon's eyes peering above the screen

Defiant Bundle Preorder + Weekly Update

Defiant Bundle Preorder + Weekly Update Hey, everyone! Brandon with our Weekly Update. All right. We are inching toward the ¾ mark with Stormlight 5. We are at, Bing! 73%. That means next week, almost assuredly, we will be at 75%. So, we need a special graphic for that, Taylor, that just like, a little…

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Legally Distinct Metallic Tickets + Weekly Update

Legally Distinct Metallic Tickets + Weekly Update Hello! Brandon here with your Weekly Update. So, this is a longer one, all right? So settle in. I’ve got a lot of things to cover but we will do the book updates first.  We are going, Stormlight 5, Bing! 55%. Only 1% this week. Just kind of…

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Half of Brandon's face looking up at the words Weekly Update, Secret Project 3 out this week

Secret Project 3 Out This Week! + Weekly Update

Secret Project 3 Out This Week! + Weekly Update Hello! Brandon here with your Weekly Update. Sorry I wasn’t here last week. I did a writing retreat. It was very nice. I was able to get a bunch of Stormlight revised, which means I’ve sent the first quarter of Stormlight 5 to my editors and…

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