Life, the Universe, & Everything 31 starts today in Provo

Life, the Universe, & Everything 31 starts today in Provo The local symposium (read: convention) on science fiction and fantasy starts today. I was planning to be there, but instead I’m on tour. I’ll be in Vancouver tonight and Toronto tomorrow. But if you’re in Utah, you should check out LTUE! The guest of honor this year…

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Videos & Updates

Videos & Updates I donated a signed first edition of MISTBORN for an auction at Con or Bust, which helps fans of color attend SFF conventions. Check it out. The most recent Writing Excuses podcast episode talks about retellings and adaptations. Believe it or not, yesterday was the five-year anniversary of the very first episode. Wow! I have…

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Worldbuilders, Tour Dates & Updates

Worldbuilders, Tour Dates & Updates Pat Rothfuss’s Worldbuilders charity drive runs until midnight tonight Central time. Today is the last chance to donate this year, with a good chance to win a cool donated book. The latest batch includes a signed leatherbound copy of my novella LEGION. By the way, last week’s THE GATHERING STORM auction went for $300. This week’s…

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Spectre Kickstarter from Jason Denzel

Spectre Kickstarter from Jason Denzel Hey all, this is just a quick post to let you know about the Spectre Kickstarter from Jason Denzel. Remember this awesome Towers of Midnight trailer from a couple years ago? Jason (founder of Dragonmount & all-around cool guy) was responsible for making that trailer. Well, he has also filmed a short epic fantasy…

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It’s finally out.

I’m sitting here on a plane, flying to Minneapolis after signing 1280(!) books last night at the midnight release of A Memory of Light. That marks it as my largest signing ever, though a whole lot of readers (understandably) grabbed their pre-signed books and ran off to read them, rather than waiting for a personalization.

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YA Novels + AMoL 8:00 Q&A Map + Updates

YA Novels + AMoL 8:00 Q&A Map + Updates Entertainment Weekly has an exclusive cover reveal for my YA post-apocalyptic novel STEELHEART that’s coming out from Delacorte in September. Check it out here. Also, put up the prologue and first chapter of my YA fantasy THE RITHMATIST that’s coming out in May. Read them here. (Illustrations by Ben McSweeney, who…

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Hugo Nomination Season

Hugo Nomination Season Hugo nomination season is upon us! If you are unaware, the Hugo Award is given by fans attending that year’s Worldcon. (This year’s convention will be held in San Antonio, Texas. I do plan to attend, as I went to Dragon*Con last year, and I try to vary which one I go to.)…

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