Warbreaker Rights and Downloads

Warbreaker Rights and Downloads RIGHTS VERSIONS COMPARISONS For older versions of the book, scroll down to the bottom. You can also find PDF and Mobile Reader versions of the book there. For rights explanations, read on. RIGHTS I am releasing each draft of WARBREAKER under a Creative Commons non-commercial, non-derivative work license. For an official…

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Infinity Blade: Redemption Pre-Order Starts Today

Infinity Blade: Redemption Pre-Order Starts Today ChAIR ENTERTAINMENT & NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR BRANDON SANDERSON ANNOUNCE NEW CHAPTER IN INFINITY BLADE SAGA,  INFINITY BLADE: REDEMPTION Pre-Order the Novella Now Exclusively on iBooks Salt Lake City, UT (August 20, 2013) — ChAIR Entertainment, a division of Epic Games Inc., today announced Infinity Blade: Redemption, the second in a…

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Steelheart Preorders from Weller Book Works Start Today + My Gen Con Schedule

Tomorrow and Saturday I’ll be at Gen Con. My schedule is below. See you there! But first, if you haven’t seen the STEELHEART teaser trailer, the prologue, or teaser chapters, please go give them a look! The release date is fast approaching, so think about preordering the book from your favorite vendor. (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, Audible, Apple, Kobo, Google Play.) If you would like a signed and numbered copy, Weller Book Works will begin accepting orders TODAY for delivery on or very shortly after September 24th. (Or you can come to the release event at the Orem Barnes & Noble on September 24th. More details later.) Mysterious Galaxy and Shawn Speakman’s The Signed Page will also have signed books available to preorder, but they won’t be shipped until I sign them in October.

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Signed Perrin T-Shirt Charity Auction & Updates

Signed Perrin T-Shirt Charity Auction & Updates Some quick updates today. But first, if you haven’t seen the STEELHEART teaser trailer, the prologue, or teaser chapters, please go give them a look! The release date is fast approaching, so think about preordering the book from your favorite vendor. (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, Audible, Apple, Kobo, Google Play.) If you would…

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Steelheart Preorder and Mega Vault Winners

Steelheart Preorder and Mega Vault Winners It’s time to announce the winners of the STEELHEART Mega Vault Fan Art contest. First, if you haven’t seen the teaser trailer, the prologue, or teaser chapters for STEELHEART, please go give them a look! STEELHEART Preorders The release date for STEELHEART is fast approaching, so think about preordering the book from…

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Spokane this week!

Spokane this week! Tomorrow I’m heading out to Spokane for SpoCon, and I’ll also be signing at Barnes & Noble. Details are below. There’s no signing listed at SpoCon itself, but I will sign books if you find me between panels. See you there! As always, see my future events on my events page. Barnes &…

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Updates Catch-Up + Michael Whelan Stormlight 2 Cover

Updates Catch-Up + Michael Whelan Stormlight 2 Cover Playing catch-up with the Writing Excuses podcast, we did episodes on both Writing Reluctant Characters and Combining Dialogue, Blocking, and Description. We also did a Q&A session at the Out of Excuses Retreat that touches on these questions: To Dan: How did you go about selling your first trilogy in Germany before…

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Hugo Awards Voting Deadline is July 31, 2013

Hugo Awards Voting Deadline is July 31, 2013 The Hugos are one of the most prestigious awards in our field, and they are given out by the readers themselves. The deadline for voting for the Hugo Awards is approaching quickly. Less than a week left! For a ballot to be counted, it needs to be…

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State of the Sanderson 2013

JTVCcmNibG9jayUyMGlkJTNEJTIyMjU2OSUyMiU1RA==It has been quite a busy time these last six or seven months. Too busy, maybe? A lot of great experiences, but it has cut into my time to be at home writing. Let me give you a little update of what I’m doing writing-wise.

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