Roshar’s Date System

Roshar’s Date System [Assistant Peter’s note: This post was written back in May by Karen Ahlstrom, Brandon’s continuity editor, but again it slipped through the cracks. I’m sorry, Karen!] I knew I’d have to deal with it sometime, and it finally caught up with me today. My Master Cosmere Timeline spreadsheet has far too many…

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Oathbringer’s Timeline

Oathbringer’s Timeline [Assistant Peter’s note: This post was written back in March by Karen Ahlstrom, but it fell through the cracks while we were working on Oathbringer.] I just finished the timeline for Oathbringer, and thought you might like to hear about the process. (Spoiler warning: There may be tidbits of information in this article about the…

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How to apply for Brandon’s 2018 BYU Class

How to apply for Brandon’s 2018 BYU Class Brandon’s assistant Karen here. It’s that time again—time to send in your applications for Brandon’s Winter 2018 English 318R class. We’re going to do things a bit differently this year, so I’ll go over the changes before I go into the details of how to apply. Because…

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Edgedancer is out!

Edgedancer is out! Edgedancer, a novella that was originally published last year as part of Arcanum Unbounded, was just released in eBook and (gorgeous) small hardcover yesterday. For those of you who don’t know, the events that take place in Edgedancer occur between the closing of Words of Radiance and the forthcoming Oathbringer and is often referred to as Stormlight 2.5. The…

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Oathbringer Release Party

Oathbringer Release Party Brandon’s assistant Kara here with details for the Oathbringer midnight release party. Further down in the post I’ll outline how to get your signed and numbered copies of the book. VIP Backstage Party Tickets We’ve run out of space at the BYU store, so we’re trying something new this year. BYU is still hosting…

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Salt Lake Comic Con & LDSPPA

Salt Lake Comic Con & LDSPPA Hey, all! Oathbringer’s release feels like it’s just around the corner–some of you may disagree with me on that–and for those of you who are reading the excerpts on, you can now read chapters 10–12 on their website. My other project, The Apocalypse Guard, is moving along nicely. I recently finished…

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Robert Jordan Tenth Year Commemoration

Robert Jordan Tenth Year Commemoration It’s been ten years since Robert Jordan died. In some ways, I find this a difficult post to write. I’ve known for years I would want to put something here when this day arrived. At the same time, I’ve always found it a strange thing to remember the day of…

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Storybundle featuring Sixth of the Dusk

Storybundle featuring Sixth of the Dusk For those of you who follow my social media channels, this won’t come as a surprise but Sixth of the Dusk is being featured in StoryBundle’s annual Truly Epic Fantasy collection which is curated by Kevin J. Anderson. Along with my work, this bundle will also feature pieces from the legendary author R.A.…

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Kaladin: the original book soundtrack from The Black Piper

Kaladin: the original book soundtrack from The Black Piper We have some exciting news coming to you this fall, and no, this is not about Oathbringer (this time). The Black Piper, a cinematic band from Provo, Utah, has composed their debut album Kaladin. And as you might have guessed, this original book soundtrack was inspired by The Way…

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Oathbringer’s Final Step

Oathbringer’s Final Step For those who didn’t see it, right before he left on vacation a few weeks ago, Peter arranged for his daughter to do the ceremonial “stair toss” of the new Stormlight book. This is a tradition that started when she was a baby, and tossed the manuscript of The Way of Kings down the stairs. Now we get…

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