ELANTRIS Back in Stock + Sanderson 5-Pack Sale

ELANTRIS Back in Stock + Sanderson 5-Pack Sale On the heels of signed copies of WARBREAKER coming to my online store a couple of weeks ago, signed copies of ELANTRIS are now finally back in stock. I think it’s been over a year—maybe over two—since we ran out of copies and had to pull it…

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Updates + More THE WAY OF KINGS Previews

Updates + More THE WAY OF KINGS Previews The most recent Writing Excuses podcast episodes feature the return of Howard Tayler after his hiatus from the episodes recorded at CONduit. First up we discuss avoiding stilted dialogue. Then we talk about major overhauls to broken stories. WARBREAKER annotations are going up, with entries added for…

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THE WAY OF KINGS Tour Details Here’s the list of all my signings for the upcoming tour. There are still a few details to be added, such as the events surrounding Dragon*Con and the details of the Sam Weller’s signing-by-mail, but they will be posted eventually. For the latest information on my appearances, check out…

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June Is (was) Audiobook Month

June Is (was) Audiobook Month Well, here it is the last day of June and I haven’t mentioned audiobooks at all like I was supposed to, and we all know whose fault that was . . . that’s right, my assistant Peter. June is audiobook month! There are lots of audiobook-related posts on Twitter with…

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Updates, THE WAY OF KINGS ARC Giveaway, Tour

Updates, THE WAY OF KINGS ARC Giveaway, Tour In the most recent Writing Excuses podcast episode, Dan and I are joined once more by James Dashner and Julie Wright to talk about “mating plumage”: book covers, titles, and first lines. Again, this episode was recorded at CONduit with the help of Dungeon Crawlers Radio. The…

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Breaking into the YA Market & MISTBORN 3 Annotations

Breaking into the YA Market & MISTBORN 3 Annotations In this week’s Writing Excuses podcast, Dan and I were joined at CONduit by Robison Wells (who happens to be Dan’s brother) and Janci Patterson (who happens to be an alpha reader of mine as well as a former student). Both have recently signed YA book…

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Preview THE WAY OF KINGS on Tor.com

Preview THE WAY OF KINGS on Tor.com Today Tor.com has put up the first of several previews for THE WAY OF KINGS. Since the book won’t be in stores until August 31, you can guess there will be more goodies in the coming months. Stay tuned. The preview chapters will eventually make their way to…

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