Swancon $1 Gold Coin Day Friday in Perth

Swancon $1 Gold Coin Day Friday in Perth All! I just wanted to give an extra shout-out for Swancon this weekend, particularly for what’s happening this Friday. The convention has been given a grant to run Friday as a “gold coin day” where you get into the convention for the day by paying a single…

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New military SF story with Ethan Skarstedt in ARMORED

New military SF story with Ethan Skarstedt in ARMORED When editor John Joseph Adams invited me to contribute a story to his ARMORED anthology focused on power armor, I naturally thought of Ethan Skarstedt, a friend in my writing group who specializes in military science fiction and has the combat experience to back it up–he’s…

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Writing Excuses, ALCATRAZ annotation, CNN’s Geek Out

Writing Excuses, ALCATRAZ annotation, CNN’s Geek Out Just a quick update for today. I’m currently flying to Australia. Yesterday’s Writing Excuses episode is all about writing excuses—all those handy tricks that the great authors use to prevent themselves from finishing any book before its time. There are a couple of quotes from me in an article on…

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My Australian Schedule: Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Gold Coast

My Australian Schedule: Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Gold Coast On Sunday my flight leaves for Australia, and I arrive on Tuesday. It’s a long flight. My schedule is below. I hope to see many of you there! Doom-Con, Swancon 37, Perth, Australia Date: April 5-9, 2012 (Easter weekend) Place: Doom-Con, Swancon 37 Address: 207 Adelaide Terrace Perth, Western Australia…

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Moiraine vs. Kelsier, Gen Con Indy, Interview + Updates

Moiraine vs. Kelsier, Gen Con Indy, Interview + Updates If you missed it on Twitter or Facebook, here’s the link to my Suvudu Cage Match writeup of Moiraine vs. Kelsier. Don’t expect an epic battle. I don’t have the time to spare to write something like that in this case. Instead, I played it very tongue-in-cheek. I flipped a…

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Announcing the Mistborn Video Game

Announcing the Mistborn Video Game Today we’re officially announcing Mistborn: Birthright, an action-RPG set in the Mistborn world. To those who have been paying close attention, much of this may not be surprising. The MB:B website went live earlier in the month, and I have tweeted several times about the impending game. In short, we’re…

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Play Magic with Brandon at SLC Nerd

Play Magic with Brandon at SLC Nerd Hey, there’s a gaming convention in SLC this weekend, and the friendly folks at Epic Games have invited me to play some Magic during it! This will be at a downtown Salt Lake convention center called The Complex, and it looks like there will be a lot of…

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Topics we’ll cover at the 2012 Superstars Writing Seminar

Topics we’ll cover at the 2012 Superstars Writing Seminar I’m one of the instructors at the upcoming Superstars Writing Seminar in Las Vegas (April 30-May 2). Since the writing and publishing world has changed a lot over the past few years, when planning this year’s seminar we looked carefully at the past lectures and panel…

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ALCATRAZ 2 Audiobook, Trailers + Updates

ALCATRAZ 2 Audiobook, Trailers + Updates In the most recent Writing Excuses podcast episode, Howard, Mary, and I talk about writing the omniscient viewpoint. (Dan wasn’t there; he was off saving his son from ninjas or something like that.) The newest ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS annotation discusses my use of prison names, the setting, and Bastille. And…

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Writing for Charity Conference This Saturday

Writing for Charity Conference This Saturday This Saturday I’ll be participating in the Writing for Charity conference at the Provo Library. For more information and how to register, check out their site. My schedule is below. There’s a book signing at the end of the day that’s open to the public. Writing for Charity Venue: Historic Provo…

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