Brandon Sanderson Newsletter for March 2014

Brandon Sanderson Newsletter for March 2014 This is Brandon, and welcome to my newsletter. Words of Radiance Is Out! My Essay on Epic Fantasy Stormlight Merchandise Words of Radiance Book Tour and Worldwide Conventions The Shardhunt Words of Radiance Is Out! At long last, Words of Radiance (book two in the Stormlight Archive) is out…

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WORDS OF RADIANCE release party tonight + Updates

WORDS OF RADIANCE release party tonight + Updates Writing Excuses has two new episodes: “When is your handwavium good enough?” and “What to do when truth is stranger than fiction.” Also, all of my February tweets have been uploaded here. Words of Radiance comes out tomorrow in the US and Canada in hardcover, ebook, and audiobook (the…

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One week left! Spoiler-free reviews of WORDS OF RADIANCE

One week left! Spoiler-free reviews of WORDS OF RADIANCE Words of Radiance comes out in one week. Here are some early non-spoiler reviews: Alice at, Carl at, Eric & Josh at 17thShard. On Saturday I went up to Weller Book Works and signed 500 copies of Words of Radiance. So if you ordered from them, it’s in the process of…

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New Stormlight merch and A Memory of Light hardcovers in the store

New Stormlight merch and A Memory of Light hardcovers in the store Hello everyone! This is Kara, the manager of Brandon’s online store. With the upcoming release of Words of Radiance, we’ve added some awesome new products, and I’m pretty excited about them. T-Shirts You might remember our Bridge Four and Stormlight Archive shirts from the days of…

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Mistborn Film Rights

Mistborn Film Rights As many of you know, a Mistborn film has been in the development stages for several years now. The producers, Paloppa Pictures, were wonderful to partner with and worked very hard to bring a Mistborn vision to the big screen. However, their rights have just lapsed. They’re still interested in the project, but we’re in this…

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Writing Class Videos & Updates

Writing Class Videos & Updates First some updates on Words of Radiance, which comes out in less than two weeks. It’s almost here! has posted what it was like to be a beta reader (note: I’m not currently looking for additional beta readers) and spoiler-free reactions to the book, and they’re mailing out daily context-free snippets. You can see…

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I’m the toastmaster at LTUE this weekend

I’m the toastmaster at LTUE this weekend LTUE starts tomorrow (Thursday) in Provo, with guest of honor Orson Scott Card, and I’ll be playing in the Magic tournament on Thursday night. I’ll also be on a couple of panels on Friday and Saturday, and I’ll do a reading and signing Saturday afternoon. Saturday evening I’ll…

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WORDS OF RADIANCE Release Events This is going to be a long post. If you want to know how to get numbered copies of Words of Radiance, scroll down to the general release events info, the info on the BYU signing, on the San Diego signing, or on the Weller Book Works signing-by-mail (now sold out—see below for more info). Item…

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