MTG Summit this Friday + Weekly Update

MTG Summit this Friday + Weekly Update Hey! It is time for your Weekly Update. First off, I have gotten back into Stormlight 5. I actually only got about 2,000 words last week, and so the percentage bar probably hasn’t inched up yet. But I am working on that full time now because it is…

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Halloween Stream Tonight + Weekly Update

Halloween Stream Tonight + Weekly Update Brandon here with your Weekly Update. Secret Project 4 final draft, Bing! is done. I actually finished that mid-last week a few days ahead of schedule. So I’m feeling pretty good about that one. That means that all of the secret projects are now a wrap. I have done…

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Charity Magic Draft is Live + Weekly Update

Charity Magic Draft is Live + Weekly Update Hi. I am here with your Weekly Update again. So first things first, I am working on Secret Project 4, where I am, Bing! 70% of the way done. This might seem a small amount, since last week I was 50%, and I should have been a…

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Prologue to Stormlight 5

Prologue to Stormlight 5 Introduction Hey, all!  We wanted to send one final excerpt to you to both say thank you, and give a warning that the Kickstarter is coming to an end.  Today is the last day, and it ends at 5:00 MDT. I’m so grateful to you all for the overwhelming show of…

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First Look at Secret Project #3

First Look at Secret Project #3 Introduction Hello everyone! Welcome to the next Secret Project reveal! If you have no idea what I’m talking about here, I recommend you start here. For full info about our Kickstarter, you should visit the campaign page. If you missed my reveal for the first two Secret Projects, you…

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Some FAQs You Might Enjoy

Some FAQs You Might Enjoy Hey, all.  It has been, to say the least, a wild two weeks for me.  After seeing some of the discourse around what is going on with the Kickstarter, I thought you all might enjoy it if I answered a few questions I’ve been getting.  (Or ones I’ve been seeing…

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First Look at Secret Project #2

First Look at Secret Project #2 Introduction Hello everyone! It’s been a mindblowing few weeks. All of us here at Dragonsteel HQ are in awe over the wonderful support you’ve been showing these quirky little books. If you’ve somehow stayed out of the loop, we launched a Kickstarter for four secret novels that I wrote over…

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First Look at Secret Project #1

First Look at Secret Project #1 Hello, all! It’s been a wild few days. If you somehow didn’t hear about it, we announced a Kickstarter for four secret novels! It’s live now, and is…well, kind of unbelievable. We will likely soon become the #1 Kickstarter of all time. You can watch my YouTube announcement here,…

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