THE WAY OF KINGS Wins the David Gemmell Legend Award

THE WAY OF KINGS Wins the David Gemmell Legend Award I’ve put up a new WARBREAKER annotation about chapter 55. Plus there’s also a new Writing Excuses episode up on professional organizations. As our cohost Mary Robinette Kowal is also the vice president of SFWA, she has many useful things to say on the topic.…

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France Schedule + Mary Robinette Kowal Joins Writing Excuses

France Schedule + Mary Robinette Kowal Joins Writing Excuses The rest of my France schedule is below. But first a couple of updates. Writing Excuses enters its sixth season with an exciting announcement: Mary Robinette Kowal joins Howard Tayler, Dan Wells, and me as our fourth full-time cast member. For the first episode of the…

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Signing in Oslo Tomorrow

Signing in Oslo Tomorrow Today my flight out of Strasbourg was delayed, so I missed my connecting flight to Oslo in Amsterdam. The result of that was an eight-hour wait in Amsterdam before the next flight, so I got to hang out with some of the local readers while eating pancakes and fries. If you’re…

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I’m going to France, Norway, the UK, and France again

I’m going to France, Norway, the UK, and France again This morning my plane took off for the first leg of my European tour. The flight was delayed, but I have a long layover in Cincinnati, so I’ll still get there in time for my connection. Anyway, here is my schedule of events. Les Imaginales,…

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Updates + Hugo Voter Packet

Updates + Hugo Voter Packet We’ve got a few more parts of the website working. The percentage bars on the left column are now functional again, and my assistant was able to put up another Twitter posts collection. New annotations and library items will have to wait for later though. There are two new Writing…

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Gemmell Award Nominations + Updates

Gemmell Award Nominations + Updates The short list of six nominees for the David Gemmell Legend Award is out, and for the second year in a row I have two books on the list. Towers of Midnight and The Way of Kings join Brent Weeks’s The Black Prism, Pierre Pevel’s The Alchemist in the Shadows,…

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More of “I Hate Dragons”

More of “I Hate Dragons” Thank you all for helping me out with the Delta situation (and for helping my brother win his goofy contest). I wanted to do something nice, so I dredged up the chapters I wrote of “I Hate Dragons” as a writing exercise a few months back. I had originally written…

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Anyone out there work for Delta Air Lines?

Anyone out there work for Delta Air Lines? Two big updates for today. The first is related to a tweet I made last night. I’m scheduled to fly to France later this month, and that trip is going to be smack-dab in the middle of working on the last WoT book. I worry that the…

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My Penguicon Schedule

My Penguicon Schedule This weekend I’m a guest of honor at Penguicon, which is a hybrid convention for science fiction/fantasy and open source software. Howard Tayler is the toastmaster, so it should be a lot of fun. If you’re in the Detroit area, consider registering at the door if you haven’t preregistered. Penguicon Troy Marriott…

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