Brandon Sanderson Newsletter for September 2014

Brandon Sanderson Newsletter for September 2014 Hey, all. Brandon here with a quick newsletter. I’ll be heading out to the Writing Excuses retreat very soon, and after that will be at New York Comic Con. But before I go, I wanted to mention a few books to keep your eyes out for. (And at the…

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Writing Excuses episodes, Interview with Buzzy Mag & Updates

Writing Excuses episodes, Interview with Buzzy Mag & Updates I’m behind on mentioning the episodes of the Writing Excuses writing advice show that have aired recently. Many of these episodes were recorded in front of a live audience at Westercon and FantasyCon in Salt Lake City. Science Fiction as Science Education (with Brad Voytek) What…

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Mistborn ebook on sale

Mistborn ebook on sale Hey, all. The Mistborn ebook (first book in the Mistborn trilogy, sometimes titled The Final Empire) is on sale for $2.99 at all vendors (in the US)—and I just found out that the sale ends on Sunday the 28th. After that it will go back up to its regular price. See the links on…

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Steelheart paperback release!

Steelheart paperback release! This week marks the release of Steelheart as a trade paperback in the US and a mass market paperback in the UK. We received our copies, and they look great! There’s a picture below. The new paperback cover matches the cover for the sequel, Firefight, and I think it looks great. It’s hard to tell…

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Infinity Blade fan film kickstarter

Infinity Blade fan film kickstarter Hey all. I found out about this recently, and it looks pretty cool to me. A couple of fans want to make a live-action fan film for the Infinity Blade story. (If you’re not familiar with Infinity Blade, it’s a series of iOS games by ChAIR Entertainment/Epic Games that I also wrote…

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Assistant Peter Recommends: The Broken Eye by Brent Weeks

Assistant Peter Recommends: The Broken Eye by Brent Weeks Hello there! Brandon’s assistant Peter here. This is the start of a sporadic feature on Brandon’s blog where I recommend something to you. But don’t worry, this probably won’t happen very often. I am also going to recommend something else to you in two weeks, but…

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Tour Report: Europe and Canada

This was Conspiracy, and I had a really solid control deck. I was dominating the board against the fan, whose name I believe was Jason. (Might be some other J-name. Sorry if I got it wrong!) Well, I was feeling pretty confident and then suddenly, he played . This wiped out all creatures, but more importantly, wiped out the little creatures I was using with to create white mana.

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