Vodník at $1.99 + Steelhunt update

Vodník at $1.99 + Steelhunt update Hey all. I found out that Bryce Moore’s Vodník, a book I really enjoyed (so much that I wrote a cover quote for it: “Vodník is compelling, interesting and darkly humorous. I think you’ll love it.”) is on sale right now as a $1.99 ebook. See the links on the right.…

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Signed STEELHEART at Powell’s + Steelhunt update

Signed STEELHEART at Powell’s + Steelhunt update The Steelheart tour continues. Today and tomorrow I’m in the Bay Area, and next week I’m in Seattle and San Diego. See my full schedule for details. I’ve also arranged for Steelhunt codes to be hidden at a few more stores. (See these posts for a Steelhunt explanation and other participating locations.) Latest on…

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The Wheel of Time Retrospective: The Process

The Wheel of Time Retrospective: The Process Just a reminder, all. Steelheart—my new novel—is out right now! It hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list in the Young Adult section. If you’re curious, you can read about the book here, and listen to a cool audio sample here. For an explanation of my Wheel of Time…

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THE EYE OF MINDS + Steelhunt updates

THE EYE OF MINDS + Steelhunt updates Two weeks ago I talked about a bet I have with James Dashner that hinges on how many copies Steelheart and The Eye of Minds sell in their first week of release. Well, The Eye of Minds came out yesterday. You should totally check it out, especially if you want to see me forced to become…

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The Wheel of Time Retrospective: The Notes

The Wheel of Time Retrospective: The Notes Just a reminder, all. Steelheart—my new novel—is out right now! It’s sitting at #1 on the New York Times bestseller list in the Young Adult section. If you’re curious, you can read about the book here, and listen to a cool audio sample here. I usually do a Q&A session as…

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Writing Excuses catch-up & Updates

Writing Excuses catch-up & Updates Writing Excuses has put up a couple of episodes that I haven’t mentioned yet. There’s an episode on dystopian fiction featuring Cherie Priest, one on publishing featuring Subterranean Press’s publisher Bill Schafer, and a Q&A session from our Out of Excuses writing retreat talking about these questions: How have your opinions on self-publishing changed in the…

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More places to get signed books

More places to get signed books All, Looking for a place to get a signed copy of Steelheart? The bookstores I’ve been visiting might be a great place to look—and they are eager to ship to you, if you live out of the area. I posted about a few on Tuesday. Here are some more: Chicago, Anderson’s BookshopThis…

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Steelhunt, Week Two

Steelhunt, Week Two We have entered week two of Steelheart’s release—by Wednesday, we’ll know what the opening week numbers were, and that will become the benchmark that Dashner will try to beat with The Eye of Minds. The loser will then become Justin Bieber. Many thanks to all who checked out the book last week. Of course, you’re…

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The STEELHEART Big Idea + Games Creatures Play

The STEELHEART Big Idea + Games Creatures Play I’ve started my tour for Steelheart! After two very successful Utah signings, I’ve flown off to Texas where I will have events in Houston and Austin. You can check out my full schedule here. To accompany the Steelheart release, I’ve posted a guest Big Idea essay over at John Scalzi’s Whatever blog. It starts off like…

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