Brandon Sanderson Newsletter for November 2011

Brandon Sanderson Newsletter for November 2011 Hi all! A note directly from Brandon here. I’m proud to present the new Mistborn book for you all, THE ALLOY OF LAW. You’re receiving this because you signed up or sent me fan mail. If you’d prefer not to get emails like this in the future, just reply…

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Mistborn & Stormlight gamer bags + Updates

Mistborn & Stormlight gamer bags + Updates In the most recent Writing Excuses podcast episode, Dan, Mary, Howard, and I talk about characters who do dumb things. There are a lot of traps that writers fall into involving this, and we talk about how to avoid them. InkWing has a limited number of Mistborn- and…

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Mysterious Galaxy can ship you THE ALLOY OF LAW

Mysterious Galaxy can ship you THE ALLOY OF LAW Hey all, just a quick note that Mysterious Galaxy, where I signed last night in San Diego, now has a bunch of autographed copies of THE ALLOY OF LAW. If you want a copy and couldn’t get one from Sam Weller’s before they sold out, give…

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New Wheel of Time Great Hunt

New Wheel of Time Great Hunt Well, I’m off on my tour. The THE ALLOY OF LAW release party was a blast, even though the bookstore was a little light on copies. We managed to get everyone a book, I think. So huzzah, and forward. One of the things I announced yesterday on Twitter and…

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Mistborn: THE ALLOY OF LAW comes out in one week

Mistborn: THE ALLOY OF LAW comes out in one week First, on an unrelated topic, the charity auction for getting your name in A MEMORY OF LIGHT is now live. There will be one winner, and the auction ends November 10th. You can also still donate to the drawing through December 1st and have a…

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Holiday deadline, Mistborn pumpkin & Updates

Holiday deadline, Mistborn pumpkin & Updates Here’s a really cool Mistborn pumpkin by deviantART member joh-wee. She calls it “Survivor of the Flames.” Be sure to check out the full image and the unlit version. My assistant Becky wanted me to remind international readers that the deadline for ordering books so I can sign them before…

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