Podcasts + Updates

Podcasts + Updates Last week I appeared on the Atomic Array podcast with the Crafty Games folks to talk about the Mistborn Adventure Game tabletop RPG. This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode is another one where Howard, Mary, Dan, and I cover a bunch of questions very quickly: Is it better to include romance, horror, SF, or other genre elements to…

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Hugo Nominations Deadline, Suvudu Cage Match & Updates

Hugo Nominations Deadline, Suvudu Cage Match & Updates The most recent Writing Excuses episode features David Brin talking with Dan and Mary at the World Fantasy convention about the importance of criticism. The Hugo Awards nomination deadline is the end of this week. If you’re already a member of the 2011, 2012, or 2013 Worldcons, be…

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Updates + More T-Shirts

Updates + More T-Shirts The newest ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS annotation covers chapter two and talks about how The Simpsons already did everything. In this week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode, Dan, Howard, Mary, and I cover these questions from Twitter in a rapid-fire fashion: What do you do if you don’t like your characters? How do you keep your plot…

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Updates + Bridge Four Shirts

Updates + Bridge Four Shirts Just a very quick update today. If you didn’t read my post about the A MEMORY OF LIGHT release date, it’s here. This week’s Writing Excuses podcast features Mary and Dan speaking with Sarah Pinborough in an episode entitled The City as a Character. The most recent annotation for ALCATRAZ…

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A MEMORY OF LIGHT Release Date Tor and Harriet have set the release date for A MEMORY OF LIGHT. Again. While I’ve been working on the book, this has happened a half dozen times, with varying levels of publicity surrounding the date. This time we’re saying January 8th. How likely is this one? Well, honestly, I don’t…

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Sanderson’s Second Law

Sanderson’s Second Law A few years back, I wrote an essay on creating magic systems that I titled Sanderson’s First Law. It had to do with the nature of foreshadowing as it relates to solving problems with magic. In that essay, I implied that I had other “laws” for magic systems that I’d someday talk…

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Alternate ALCATRAZ Chapters + Updates

Alternate ALCATRAZ Chapters + Updates The most recent ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS annotation talks about why I shifted the book from third person to first person. My assistant has also uploaded the third person versions of the first two chapters, which you can compare with the published versions. I’ve spent all day recording new episodes of the Writing…

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Taiwan Trip Haul

Taiwan Trip Haul Hey, all! I had a wonderful time in Taiwan, and I thought I’d post some of the things I came home with. I always mean to do this following a tour, and hopefully I’ll make a habit of it from here out. First up, I wanted to show a few of the…

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My LTUE Schedule

My LTUE Schedule Life, the Universe & Everything, the local SF convention/symposium, starts tomorrow at Utah Valley University. I’ll be attending on Friday and Saturday, and my schedule is below. Venue: Sorensen Student Center Utah Valley University 800 W University Pkwy Orem, UT 84058 FRIDAY 1:00-3:00 p.m., Center Stage Writing Excuses Podcast (2 hours) Brandon…

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Newsletter + Updates

Newsletter + Updates This is just a quick update as I recover from my Taiwan trip and get back into the swing of the second draft of A MEMORY OF LIGHT. First off, this week’s ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS annotation talks about the dedication page. The most recent Writing Excuses episode draws back the curtain…

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