Tampa Bay Comic Convention + Weekly Update

Tampa Bay Comic Convention + Weekly Update Hey! Brandon here with your Weekly Update. As you can see, my hair has grown back quite quickly. It was rather magical. But this has stayed. I did grow this out for a certain video that will be coming up. A lot of people are guessing that it’s…

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Weekly Update title thumbnail with the words convention registration is live! Below the words, a Bald Brandon is staring at his head wondering where all his hair went

Convention Registration is Live! + Weekly Update

Convention Registration is Live! + Weekly Update Hey! Welcome to the Weekly Update. If you are curious what happened to my hair, well, we might have a video coming up for you in about a month. So watch for that. It’s quite fun. Otherwise, time for some updates. Stormlight 5 is, Bing! 52% Moving just…

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The title Weekly Update with the subtitle STORMLIGHT IS AT 50% with half of Brandon's face below

Big Stormlight Milestone! + Weekly Update

Big Stormlight Milestone! + Weekly Update Hey, Weekly Update time! So, starting off, Stormlight 5 is at, Bing! 50%. That’s right. I hit 225,000 words, which I’m calling 50% on this. Hoping for a final book at around 450,000 words. We will see. But I feel very good at 50%. I warned you last week…

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The Work Continues! + Weekly Update

The Work Continues! + Weekly Update Brandon here with your Weekly Update. Stormlight 5 is, Bing! 48%. So we are moving right along. Next week we will probably cross that 50% mark. What this means is right now I’m at about 220,000 words. I’m going to hit us at 50% when we hit 225,000. Now,…

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Teen Author Boot Camp + Weekly Update

Teen Author Boot Camp + Weekly Update Brandon here. Weekly Update time! Stormlight 5 is at, Bing! 42%. That’s a very auspicious number. Things still continue to go well with that. I am working away and keeping going. And Janci has been working on Skyward Legacy, which is at, Bing! 17%. So both books are…

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May Mistborn Swag Box + Weekly Update

May Mistborn Swag Box + Weekly Update Hey! Weekly Update time. Stormlight 5, Bing! 41%. Another 2% this week, which is what we like seeing. I’ve been making good progress these last couple of weeks, so I feel great about that. I’m worried about how long the book will be. We’ll deal with that when…

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Outside Snow is falling. So I look up. The world mystifies when you stare up through falling snow. Even standing still, you can soar. Even alone, you are surrounded. Even mundane, you find magic. I’ve spent my life chasing the fantastical, yet everything I’ve ever imagined can be casually matched by someone tilting their head…

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State of the Sanderson 2022

State of the Sanderson 2022 Introduction Wow. What a year. I can remember writing this essay last year, and being all giddy about the fact that I was hiding four secret novels from you all. I said, “Maybe next year, I’ll be able to explain to you all why my year was so strange.” One…

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Lightweaver Ornament Out Now + Weekly Update

Lightweaver Ornament Out Now + Weekly Update Hey! So welcome back to Weekly Updates. We took a week off, and it’s been a busy week for me. I had the holiday here in America, Thanksgiving. But I did get some writing done after that. And so I met my goal, just squeaked by it, for…

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