New Writing Excuses + Updates

New Writing Excuses + Updates If you missed it, my novella Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell is available as an independent ebook. I talk more about that here. In this week’s new Writing Excuses episode, Project In Depth: “Parallel Perspectives”, we discuss the 13-page graphic story (“comic book”) found at the end of Schlock Mercenary: Massively Parallel and focus on…

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Goodbye, Sir Terry

Goodbye, Sir Terry I woke to the news that Sir Terry Pratchett has passed away. I knew this was coming, but—as with the passing of Robert Jordan almost eight years back—it still hit me like a slap to the face. Many of you know of my fondness for Pratchett’s works. If you aren’t aware, here’s a…

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Three Stories in New Formats

Three Stories in New Formats Words of Radiance launched in paperback this week, so if you’ve been waiting to grab it, now might be a great time! (The ebook price was supposed to drop at the same time, but due to a glitch that won’t happen until Monday or Tuesday.) I don’t usually do much of…

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Writing Excuses episode on story structure + Updates

Writing Excuses episode on story structure + Updates This month’s Writing Excuses syllabus topic is story structure. In Where is my Story Coming From?, we talk about where the story starts for the writer. The deadline for the 2015 Writing Excuses Retreat Scholarships is fast approaching. You can see the application details for the Carl Brandon Society Scholarship…

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Steelhunt contest winners!

Steelhunt contest winners! For those who were not aware, I ran some contests through Facebook and Twitter a few weeks ago. Winners receive a set of Epic stand-up die-cut cards, and all are collected below! One contest was for people to tweet their favorite of David’s bad metaphors from Steelheart and Firefight. Here are the winners (selected randomly). You can find a…

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Shadows of Self cover reveal + Updates

Shadows of Self cover reveal + Updates Shadows of Self, my new Mistborn novel coming out in October, now has an awesome cover by the ever-talented Chris McGrath. has the full reveal. I have more exciting news for the Reckoners series. Steelheart was nominated for the 2014-15 Georgia Peach Book Award for Teen Readers. In this week’s Writing Excuses episode, Q&A on…

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Chicago Signing Tonight. Huzzah!

Chicago Signing Tonight. Huzzah! When Firefight came out last month I didn’t have a stop in the Chicago area, but I’ll be there tonight at Anderson’s in Naperville, before recording some Writing Excuses episodes in the next few days and doing a school visit early next week. If you’re in the area, stop by the signing, but…

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New Writing Excuses + Update

New Writing Excuses + Update We at Writing Excuses are continuing February’s focus on characters in this week’s new episode, Who Are All These People?, where we explore some of the challenges involved in building a cast for your story. You need to know why you are putting your characters in your book and what the purpose each…

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Brian McClellan’s The Autumn Republic

Brian McClellan’s The Autumn Republic Isaac here with the promised reminder that The Autumn Republic—the third volume of Brian McClellan’s Powder Mage Trilogy—was released this week. Those of you who enjoy Brandon’s fantasy novels will likely find a lot to sink your teeth into with Brian’s. As we’ve mentioned before, Brian was a student of Brandon’s…

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