M13 Prerelease

M13 Prerelease For those who enjoy hanging out and playing Magic, it looks like I’ll be able to swing going to the prerelease of the new core set this weekend. I’ll be doing it at Epic Puzzles & Games in SLC, like previous prereleases, at midnight on Friday night. No need to sign up this…

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THE HOLLOW CITY Release Party Tonight

THE HOLLOW CITY Release Party Tonight My good friend and Writing Excuses cohost Dan Wells’ new book THE HOLLOW CITY is out today. The release party is tonight at Weller Book Works (the bookstore formerly known as Sam Weller’s, at their new location, which has parking!) in Trolley Square. Mary, Howard, and I are going…

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June is Audiobook Month

June is Audiobook Month Readers have been asking if my forthcoming novellas LEGION and THE EMPEROR’S SOUL will be released in audio versions. The answer is that they will be—we have deals made for these, but I’m not sure how quickly the audiobooks will be released compared to the book versions. I’ll let you know when I have more…

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Szeth T-Shirt Contest, Lecture Video + Updates

Szeth T-Shirt Contest, Lecture Video + Updates InkWing has another T-shirt contest going on at their blog, for a shirt that will be available at Comic-Con in San Diego. They don’t have a picture of the shirt yet, but it’s going to use Ben McSweeney’s image of Szeth from THE WAY OF KINGS. InkWing has also…

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I Hate Dragons Speech Competition + Updates

I Hate Dragons Speech Competition + Updates My assistant uploaded a new ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS annotation. This one covers chapter sixteen, which has various obscure references including a dinosaur eating the “C” section of science fiction books. There are two new episodes of the Writing Excuses podcast up. First Mary, Howard, Dan, and I…

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Bay Area this weekend: BayCon, including Magic

Bay Area this weekend: BayCon, including Magic Here’s my schedule as Writer Guest of Honor of this weekend’s BayCon. There’s not a signing on the schedule, which means that I’ll sign books whenever you catch me somewhere at the con, unless I’m running to get somewhere else. I’m also doing a Magic: The Gathering draft,…

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Updates + Reader Mail

Updates + Reader Mail The most recent Writing Excuses podcast episode starts a new “Project in Depth” series where Mary, Howard, Dan, and I take a project that one of us has completed and grill the creator about it. These episodes necessarily contain spoilers. The first one covers Howard’s Hugo-nominated Schlock Mercenary volume Force Multiplication. In future episodes (not all in…

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Play the Mistborn Adventure Game with Me at Gen Con + Updates

Play the Mistborn Adventure Game with Me at Gen Con + Updates There’s a new ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS annotation up. This one talks about chapter thirteen, when Alcatraz breaks out of the Librarians’ holding cell. This week’s Writing Excuses episode is another one that was recorded at Life, the Universe & Everything in…

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More Creative Writing Lectures + Updates

More Creative Writing Lectures + Updates The most recent ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS annotation covers the chapter where Alcatraz gets tortured. Check it out. This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode features Q&A with James Dashner at Life, the Universe & Everything. We cover the following audience-supplied questions: Why is the ARC of James’s first book so different…

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