Taiwan + Updates

Taiwan + Updates Greetings from Taiwan! I will be attending the Taipei International Book Exhibition (TIBE) this week. I’ll have more information on my exhibition schedule later this week. Watch this space for details. For those who want to attend, here’s address: Taipei World Trade Center 10F., No.180, Section 1, Keelung Road Taipei City, Taiwan 110…

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New Writing Excuses, Firefight tour photos + Updates

New Writing Excuses, Firefight tour photos + Updates In this week’s Writing Excuses episode, What Do You Mean My Main Character Is Boring?, we lead off February’s Master Class with the exploration of a common problem: the main character is often the least interesting person in the story. It’s something that each of the hosts has struggled with,…

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Woven Map Reveal, More McClellan, a Second Staveley, and Legos!

Woven Map Reveal, More McClellan, a Second Staveley, and Legos! Assistant Isaac here with a cornucopia of cosmopoietic cartographies. (Yes, I searched the dictionary for that second word. I’m pretty sure it has something to do with worldbuilding.) When I started working directly for Brandon, I pretty much finished up all my freelance projects and…

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Philly signing CANCELED, new Writing Excuses episode + Updates

Philly signing CANCELED, new Writing Excuses episode + Updates I have some bleak news for everyone in Philadelphia: The signing tomorrow is canceled due to snow and the airlines canceling flights. I was going to be signing at Children’s Book World in Haverford. Instead, we will be trying to reschedule. But in the meantime, we’ll send them…

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Firefight Tour, Award Nomination Season + Updates

Firefight Tour, Award Nomination Season + Updates My tour for Firefight continues through the rest of this week: Find the full tour schedule and details here. Tonight (1/21) at the Changing Hands Bookstore in Tempe, Arizona at 6:00 p.m. Friday, January 23 at Murder by the Book in Houston, Texas at 6:30 p.m. (They also have hardcovers of Mitosis available,…

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Award Nomination Season!

Award Nomination Season! Hey, all! It’s the time of year again when nominations have opened for the Hugo and Nebula Awards. To nominate for the Nebula Awards, you need to be a member of SFWA, the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. To nominate for the Hugo Awards this year, you need to be a member of…

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Steelheart ebook sale ending

Steelheart ebook sale ending With the release earlier this week of Firefight, the second book in the Reckoners trilogy, the publishers put the ebook of the first Reckoners novel, Steelheart, on sale at $2.99 in the US and £1.99 in the UK. Well, tomorrow is the final day for that special discount in the US, and then…

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